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Member since Jul-03-06 · Last seen Feb-16-09
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   DefianceX has kibitzed 10 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Feb-15-09 K Visweswaran vs A Prasetyo, 2001
DefianceX: Wow. I've never seen the Classical Caro (which is my favorite) get raped like this.
   Jan-24-09 Motylev vs Yifan Hou, 2009 (replies)
DefianceX: That last move can't be right.
   Jun-24-08 Bronstein vs Lilienthal, 1952 (replies)
DefianceX: @mikhs White wins a bishop back with that exchange. 16. Nxf6+ Qxf6 17. Qxg4 Qxd4+ 18. Be3 Qxe3+
   Sep-23-07 W So vs M Mahjoobzardast, 2007 (replies)
DefianceX: 21. Qb3+ and it will get ugly for black
   Jul-06-07 Nakamura vs C Sandipan, 2007 (replies)
DefianceX: He can easily snag those black pawns of course but it would still be futile since the white pawn has to promote to a dark square which his white bishop cant support.
   Jun-09-07 A Andreev vs Tovstonogov, 1987
DefianceX: 21.. Qb5+ is not mate 20 Qxe4 Bxf3+ 21 Qxf3 Qb5+ 22 Kd1 Qd3+ 23 Kc1 Bd2+ 24 Kd1 Bc3+ 25 Kc1 Qd2+ 26 Kb1 Qxb2#
   Apr-04-07 M Sangeetha vs S Dhar, 2001 (replies)
DefianceX: Got it too. Too me long enough. About 3 min. I don't know if ill be able to spot this in a real game. i'll be too worried about the black queen occupying h3.
   Oct-02-06 E Kursk vs Keres, 1935
DefianceX: Why not 14.. Bxc3+??
   Aug-12-06 G Buckley vs N Davies, 2006 (replies)
DefianceX: This is Caro-Kann Defense?
   Aug-02-06 Short vs F Jaeger, 2006 (replies)
DefianceX: I doubt Nigel would have the audacity to play this opening againts a super GM.
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