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Member since Sep-25-06 · Last seen Jan-24-09
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   LawrenceT has kibitzed 16 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Jan-20-08 R Byrne vs Fischer, 1963 (replies)
LawrenceT: Well said tjshann!! Maybe Fischer's best move was getting out of the game when he did!! I think one of the many reasons some people revere Bobby Fischer is because they never saw him lose his talent over the board--he peaked, disappeared, and took his throne with him!! Personally,
   Sep-29-07 Geller vs Portisch, 1967 (replies)
LawrenceT: Why not 18...hxg5?
   Jul-11-07 Reti vs Capablanca, 1924 (replies)
LawrenceT: Capablanca got his revenge in Berlin: Reti vs Capablanca, 1928
   May-18-07 Anderssen vs Dufresne, 1852 (replies)
LawrenceT: I hate when people say that Anderssen and Morphy don't match up to modern players--modern players LEARNED from Anderssen and Morphy!! Modern players have chess engines to hone their skills. Modern players can memorize brilliant games and positions from chess databases and use them
   May-13-07 S Makarichev vs Alburt, 1978 (replies)
LawrenceT: I have never liked Alekhine's Defense!!! Not that I could beat Alburt, but his king's knight and his queen jumped around too much. By the end of the game, Alburt has two pieces utilized compared to all of Makarichev's remaining pieces!!
   May-12-07 Fischer vs Tal, 1961 (replies)
LawrenceT: Queen sac--WOW!! I wonder if Tal thought he was playing against himself?
   Nov-21-06 Larsen vs Fischer, 1971 (replies)
LawrenceT: Larsen's basic problem was that he was playing Fischer!! No offense to Larsen, but Fischer was playing out of his mind in the early seventies!! I always thought that if a GM could play positionally as well as tactically, then he/she was dubbed "Universal" for lack of a better ...
   Nov-08-06 Kasparov vs Tal, 1987 (replies)
LawrenceT: Bishops r power: tal sucks Who are these children??
   Oct-09-06 Kramnik vs Topalov, 2006 (replies)
LawrenceT: Maybe I'm stupid, but why not f3 on move 31 instead of Nd5??
   Oct-03-06 Kramnik-Topalov World Championship Match (2006) (replies)
LawrenceT: Thank you Thrajin!!!
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