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Member since Sep-29-05 · Last seen Apr-21-10
I am a Bulgarian living in the US. My nickname is not related to the Ibsen's play "Peer Gynt", but to the music Grieg wrote for the play. I used to play chess as a kid, but my rating never exceeded 2100. Some 30 years later my play is about the same level.

Favorite players: Lasker, Fischer, Kasparov, Topalov

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   PeerGynt has kibitzed 1428 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Apr-21-10 Anand-Topalov World Chess Championship (2010) (replies)
PeerGynt: Guys do not be silly. No one will sue anybody. It is just the old principle - "The threat is stronger than the execution" (Nimzowitsch) At some moment Danailov will ask FIDE for some favor and will use the possibility of suing them as bargain chip. Don't you remember that Kramnik ...
   Feb-24-10 Linares (2010) (replies)
PeerGynt: There are two major misunderstandings among the chess fans and even among the GMs: 1. Kramnik is not a good tactician but great en-gamer 2. Topalov's endgame sucks but he is the best tactician. I believe it is the other way around. Kramnik will never miss any tactical opportunity ...
   Feb-28-09 Topalov-Kamsky Match (2009) (replies)
PeerGynt: Topalov gave today a very interesting interview for the Bulgarian newspapers. It was a long interview full of praise for Anand and Kamsky and not so nice for Kramnik (no surprise). But the bottom line was "If I play like this Anand will crush me like a bug"
   Dec-20-08 Pearl Spring Chess Tournament (2008) (replies)
PeerGynt: I do not think they dislike each other. Quite the opposite I have always felt some mutual sympathy between them. But their games are often interesting and sometimes Svidler manages to escape and even win lost positions, which makes Topalov more motivated to crush him the next time.
   Oct-21-08 Anand-Kramnik World Championship Match (2008) (replies)
PeerGynt: I have a conspiracy theory. I think Anand ducked on purpose in Bilbao. Thus he 1) created the impression of being out of form and 2) he avoided all these psychological attack on himself that Russians threw on Topalov before the Elista match. This match seemed completely won for ...
   May-18-08 M-Tel Masters (2008) (replies)
PeerGynt: If I was Radjabov I would have played to win.
   Mar-19-08 Amber Tournament (Rapid) (2008) (replies)
PeerGynt: Pawnsgambit: <... Cheating by Topalov or Carlsen in same no matter what the age... > What cheating from Topalov? Did I miss something? Or we are just bashing Topa as usual?
   Mar-17-08 Amber Tournament (Blindfold) (2008) (replies)
PeerGynt: I am speculating here, but sometimes I do things like this. In a dead draw position I would offer a draw and if the opponent refuses the offer I would just resign. Why waste time playing a dead draw position. So my wild guess is that this might have happened in the A-T game.
   Feb-02-08 Robert James Fischer (replies)
PeerGynt: <Pawn Ambush: Thats too bad all my post on the Fischer page have been harsh I don't like him he was a selfish_____. Harbored too much <<<<<HATE>>>>> the world is a little better now.> And you are harboring too much what - ...
   Jan-31-08 Topalov vs Kramnik, 2008 (replies)
PeerGynt: About the manned V1 and V2. I remember seeing them in one documentary some 30 years ago. Now I checked the Internet and it turned out that they were ready to do it, but abandoned the project So, obviously German Kamikazes did not kill anybody.
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