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eBay: How & Why!
Wonder what all this eBay fuss is about? Unsure of how to buy, sell, search or even sign-up? Fear not! has assembled this little guide to outline it all, step by step! You'll be buying and selling Smurfs all across the world - or just in your neighborhood - in no time!
Questions and Answers:
What is eBay?

eBay is the world's largest trading community where millions of people buy and sell millions of items every day. If you want to sell your wares, locate rare items, or buy goods at the world's best prices, there is no better place than eBay!
Why should I use eBay?

Buyers will find great deals on all kinds of products because there are millions of items to choose from. Rare music records, cars, toys, collectibles, brand new computers, even our beloved Smurfs can be found on eBay - imagine a limitless store with limitless shelves, stocking anything and everything. For sellers, the ability to market your product to millions of daily visitors makes using eBay one of the most efficient ways to sell just about anything. If you want to buy or sell Smurfs, there is absolutely no bigger marketplace than eBay!
Is it hard to use eBay?

Buying on eBay is as simple as clicking a button on the computer screen. Selling requires filling out an auction description and setting up pricing information - a simple two step process. eBay is easy to use! Feel free to check out the
eBay Learning Center for more information.
How much does it cost to join eBay?

Nothing! Zero! Zilch! Joining eBay is absolutely free!
How do I sign-up for eBay?

Signing up for eBay will take you just one minute! Click
here for a special FREE one-step signup! You can sign-up right now and start buying and selling today!
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How do I search for items on eBay?

It's as simple as pressing the "Search" button on any eBay web page! Here, try it out -
click this and you'll be taken to a list of all of eBay's Smurf auctions. The page will look similar to the picture below.

How to Search for Items on eBay!

See the blue, circled "Basic Search" text box? That's where you type in what you're looking for. In this case, "smurf*" is our search target. Feel free to type in anything you're interested in searching for. Press the "Search" button to begin the search.

Why do we search for "smurf*" as opposed to "Smurf" or "Smurfs"? The answer is simple - the asterisk (*) is a wildcard. A wildcard basically means "anything". So, searching for "smurf*" will return any results that begin with the root "smurf", including Smurfs, Smurf, Smurfy, and even Smurfaroo.
How do I buy on eBay?

Let's assume you've found the Smurf of your dreams and you're ready to bid. There are basically two scenarios you'll face. The first is a standard auction, like the one pictured below.

Buy and Item and Bid on eBay!

See the blue, circled "Place Bid" button? Click it and place a bid for an amount greater than the current bid price (which in this example is $81.00). Simple as can be!

The other scenario is a "Buy It Now" auction. A "Buy It Now" auction allows you to do just that - buy the item immediately. The picture below features a "Buy It Now" button.

How to Buy It Now on eBay!

See the blue, circled "Buy It Now" button? Click it and you'll be able to purchase that smurfy keychain at the stated price - only $1.50! Wow!
How do I sell on eBay?

After you've
signed-up for eBay, click the "Sell" link at the top of any eBay page. eBay will then guide you through, step by step, everything you need to do to get your item up for sale. In just a few steps, you'll be done! It's very easy.

What is PayPal? Do I need it?

PayPal is an online currency. You can add money to your PayPal account by using checks, credit cards, money orders, or transfers from other PayPal users. PayPal is very desirable because it allows immediate payment after an auction is complete - no waiting for money orders to arrive in the mail, no bounced checks, etc. PayPal is the most popular online currency and cannot recommend it highly enough. Get a FREE PayPal membership right
here. Below is a picture of the PayPal logo.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.
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