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Smurf Value!
* Smurf Price Guide * What is my Smurf worth? * Buying & Selling Smurfs
* Smurf Rairty Guide * Is my Smurf rare? * Top 5 Rare Smurfs
* Smurf Checklist * Learn about: Variations Conditions, Markings, Marketplace
What is my Smurf Worth?
Smurf Price Guide

Here is the complete list of every Smurf figure made -
The Smurf Price Guide. This list will help you identify and price your Smurfs. It also includes the year each Smurf was made and other important information.
Interactive Smurf Checklist

In addition to offering
The Smurf Price Guide List, you can also take advantage of our exclusive Interactive Smurf Checklist. There isn't another one of its kind anywhere else but here at! This Smurf Checklist allows you to check-off the Smurfs you have and you can even leave notes about each Smurf (ie. this Smurf has a small rub on his nose). Learn more about the Smurf Checklist here.
Smurf Rarity Guide: Is my Smurf rare?

All of the Smurf figures on have been rated under the 5-Smurfberry Scale so you can see just how rare a Smurf really is! A "1-Smurfberry-Smurf" figure is not that hard to find, whereas, a "5-Smurfberries-Smurf" figure is nearly impossible to locate and will command a high price. So why not take a look and see how your collection rates!
Top 5 Rare Smurf Figures:

1. Praying Smurf & Smurfette
2. Baseball Player Smurfette
3. Smurf Surprise "Gargamel 'n' the Box"
4. Christmas Smurfs - Smurf Rides Candy Cane & Wreath Smurf
5. #1 Grad Smurf

There are many other "Rare" hard-to-find Smurfs to look out for. The History Smurfs are quite collectible - with the Thomas Edison Smurf holding a lightbulb being the most valuable. Sports Smurfs (like the Footballer and Rugby Smurfs) with the different team color uniforms are also very sought after and can fetch a high price. There are many other Smurfs that rate highly - so take a good look!
The Smurfs will return after these messages:
How much is my Smurf worth?

The value of your Smurf depends on a number of factors:
Condition, Variation, Markings, and the Marketplace. Keep reading this page for a description of each of these qualities and see how it relates to the value of your Smurf.
How do I know the condition of my Smurf?

Your Smurf is in mint condition if it has no blemishes or discoloration, is perfectly formed, fully painted, and looks "as new". Mint condition Smurfs command the full valuation as listed in our Price Guide. You'll get top-dollar selling mint Smurfs, and if you're buying one - expect to pay full price.

Any imperfection, at all, means your Smurf is not mint. Does it have a small mark or buff? Then your Smurf is not mint. Does your Smurf have a tiny scratch or paint blemish? Then it's not mint! Even small painting irregularities mean the Smurf is not mint. You cannot sell non-mint Smurfs and expect the price listed in our Price Guide. On the other hand, if you're looking to complete your collection, a non-mint Smurf is an affordable way to do so.
What is a Smurf variation?

Smurf Color Variation

Smurf Mold Variation

A Smurf variation is a significant color or mold difference for a particular Smurf figurine. Significant color variations are things like different colored scarves (yellow vs. red) or different color swim-shorts. A mold variation refers to an actual change in mold shape or size. Some Smurf figures are "tweaked" over the years, and new molds are created although the name and number of the Smurf stays the same.

In addition to significant Color and Mold Variations, you will sometimes see slight hue differences in the paint colors like a "lemon yellow" vs a "mustard yellow" or a "light brown" vs a "dark brown". These "subtle" color variations are due to the batches being produced at different times. Ultimately, the most unique type of Smurf variation is the painting error - such as Smurfette without her panties painted on! Because Smurf figures are hand-painted by people, it is easy to see how a few painting mistakes can occur... afterall, to err is human!
What do the markings on the bottom of my Smurf mean?

Smurfs are stamped or painted with a variety of little markings that may help increase its value to a particular collector. If you're selling a Smurf, listing this information will tell buyers immediately everything they need to know about it. If you're collecting Smurfs, knowing this data will help you make a more perfect collection.

Year Stamp: This stamp refers to the date the Smurf mold was created (not the date that specific Smurf was made).

Single Digit: This stamp, one digit long (usually 1-8), refers to the position the mold occupies in the PVC injection machine (it is used to help the manufacturers detect defects).

CE Stamp: European manufacturers must place this stamp on all items to show minimum compliance with applicable European directives. Until the 1990s, placing a CE Stamp on an item was voluntary (which is why we see it on some later production 1970s and 1980s Smurfs and not others).

Peyo Stamp: All Smurfs should be stamped "Peyo", a reference to the person who created the Smurfs.

Manufacturer Stamp: Smurfs have been made by a variety of companies, who stamp their name on each Smurf they make. The list of stamps include: Wallace Berrie & Co., Schleich, and Bully.

Country Stamp: The country the Smurf was made in. Generally, the countries are: Germany / West Germany, Hong Kong, China, Sri Lanka, Portugal and Macau.

Country dot: A colored paint dot representing which country the Smurf was made in. Paint dots include: Red (Sri Lanka), Yellow (Portugal), Green (Tunisia), Black and White. Colored dots may also refer to which specific PVC formulation was used.

Muster Stamp: These rare "M" stamps refer to Smurfs who truly "pass muster", and are of the highest quality. A muster Smurf is used as a perfect example for painting other Smurfs of the same mold. Muster is the German word for "sample".
How does the marketplace affect my Smurf's value?

The value of a Smurf is determined by its scarcity and how much other people want it... and are willing to pay for it! Typically the harder it is to find a Smurf, then the more valuable that Smurf is. Many Smurfs were made in limited quantities and will fetch higher prices because there are fewer of them around. Also, Smurfs that have been discontinued or retired will be more vaulable. And don't forget that the time of year can also affect the value. For example, Christmas Smurfs tend to be more in demand during the Christmas holiday season. Use our Price ID Lists as a general guide for value, but remember that the marketplace can be fickle - so buy and sell accordingly.
I'm ready to buy or sell a Smurf. What's next?

eBay is the best place for Smurfs! There is so much to choose from because new Smurfs are added daily - as well as rare and unique Smurf items that would be hard to find anywhere else. So have fun looking, buying and selling Smurfs! We've already written a handy
"How-to" guide for eBay, right here.
SMURF FIGURINES: Regular Smurfs: 20001-20102, 20103-20204, 20205-20475, 20476-20556, Christmas Smurfs (Gold Cord), Easter Smurfs, Historical Smurfs, Super Smurfs, Smurf Buildings, Smurf Houses and Cottages, Smurf Playsets, Smurf-a-Grams
PROMO SMURFS: Kinder Smurfs, Hardees Smurfs, McDonalds Smurfs, Jubilee, OMO Smurfs
FAKE SMURFS: Fake Smurfs, Knock-Off Smurfs, Is this a Smurf?, Astrosniks, Snorks
SMURF BASICS: How are Smurf figurines made?, Different Types of Smurfs, How to Collect Smurfs
SMURF COLLECTOR BOOKS: Smurfs Around the World, Der Schlumpf Katalog and Lindenberger
Smurf Price Guide, Rarity Guide, Top 5 Rare Smurfs, Create a Smurf Checklist.
Favorite Smurf Collections!
20103-20204BrainyVanityGreedyEasterValentine's DayMusical
20205-20478GrouchyJokeyHeftyHalloweenSt. Patrick's DayFood
20479-20556HandySmurflingsGargamel & AzraelHistory
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