GameKnot online chess
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Rated games for luke666: (updated nightly) Registered: Jul-2002
Chess rating (?) Chess games won Chess games lost Chess games drawn Total games
83rd percentile
796 (49%)739 (46%)81 (5%)1616
Total games in progress:17
Last time seen on GK: 12 hours ago
Mini-tournament points:26
Chess league division:D1 [stats]
Team: >|< \/\/HITE |<NIGHTS >|<
Team rating:1311
Referrals: (?)2
Timeouts:19 (1.1%)

2nd place, Casual Section, 10th GK tournament, Jun-2004

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Profile / Personal info:
Real name:Luke
Country:United Kingdom
Time zone:GMT
Additional info:Captain of the>|< \/\/HITE |<NIGHTS >|< Studying Economics & Finance at Exeter Uni. Very interested in Finance, Scuba Diving, Astrophysics, Philosophy. Nice to see the large amount of youngsters on here. Is the draw inforced on gameknot like in standard rules after 50 moves with no pawn movement???

GameKnot: play chess online, chess teams, chess league, free online chess games, bi-monthly chess tournaments, chess clubs, chess puzzles, chess games database and more.