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Players seen on this site within last 10 minutes
(excluding players hiding their online status):
# Player Rating
1.steinlager 1286
2.marijo 1780
3.zmeyko 1692
4.kidtrash 1279
5.pennyblack 1589
6.pwheel1 1176
7.gugglybug 1550
8.dabob 1303
9.maio 1701
10.rufus_creampie 1200
11.workflow 1508
12.blacky100 1453
13.mushin 1376
14.peter_knight4 1674
15.costa240179 1539
16.midgetwrangler 1470
17.garym 1727
18.markfazz 1200
19.sliderx 1200
20.sjakkmester 1535
21.syrphian 1356
22.noun 1376
23.mazepewter 1688
24.kuvap 1775
25.miragedarksun 1624
26.trombole 1296
27.alsilvo 1828
28.jazzvanna 1651
29.geoffreyb12 1325
30.benzman96 1310
31.lontano 1204
32.jacknife 973
33.maxavm 1200
34.concequer 1317
35.rackgaki 1200
36.tysia 1557
37.phluph 1241
38.gothicgirl 1574
39.hvacr 1640
40.nicola1947 1502
41.bodo1634 1645
42.gee4444 1411
43.dranoc 1275
44.kszoszk 1407
45.tiddles 1535
46.dpoker1111 1655
47.cvondix 1203
48.mooshman 1351
49.barnelius 1319
50.bbdrums 1133
51.knakman 1235
52.pawnfisher 2115
53.mr_pepper 1230
54.jdawg1 1126
55.dazzle69 1128
56.marsilius 1200
57.benigigli 1340
58.zendara 1369
59.brewinski 1404
60.goeders 1143
61.biscuitdog 1238
62.stashman 1162
63.ogdenamida 1357
64.bold_raven 1268
65.aggrevator 1565
66.wmaes 1499
67.bugdomilenio 1561
68.bols 1200
69.shamusx1 1488
70.alanbstard 1712
71.bricro 1429
72.q1742 1921
73.djcp99 1245
74.starcairs 1099
75.colly1 1262
76.des8596 1200
77.serocool 1261
78.mattich (logged out)1454
79.chesadik 1585
80.stampertje 1528
81.j-endres 1318
82.oz-bear 1612
83.cubs0_0 1741
84.capt_rook 1479
85.knightattack666 1379
86.gaeus 1215
87.piresrod80 1560
88.courtnee 1200
89.miss_scarlet 1200
90.cableguy57 1200
91.bhc13 1200
92.powerwagon 1233
93.jongraft 1505
94.mabuhay 2385
95.ballman63 1490
96.thebridge 1133
97.heinzkat 2210
98.gzeederb 1277
99.tomazao 1894
100.kewparknick 1215

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