play chess online
Play chess online on GameKnot! We have both correspondence chess (also called turn-based chess) and real-time chess (or Blitz chess). When playing correspondence chess online, you can engage in several chess games simultaneously. This way, you don't need to finish each game in one sitting and you can choose your own pace and how much time you spend playing chess each day. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare (or a few hours to kill), you can enjoy playing chess online every day! Your chess games will be waiting for you right here on GameKnot whenever you have time to play. Turn-based chess games also tend to be deeper and more analytical, because you can always step away from your computer and think over a difficult position without being rushed to make your next move right away. But if you enjoy faster paced chess games, we also have real-time chess available too. Either way, keep exercising your brain and enjoy your chess games! Play chess online on GameKnot, the premier online chess battleground.
All your active chess games will be listed on this page when you log in to your account.
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