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ICC Groups :: Helpers Group

Description: A group for the ICC helper staff.
Operator: albi
Channel: 300

Helpers! We need your help! We want to increase the number of questions in the Helper Test Database to a nice round number, and to do that we need about 10 or 15 fresh questions. Now, the admins could just do this themselves, but you all know how .. erm... busy.. they are! In all seriousness though, fresh perspectives are always welcome, and who better to enlist for help in a matter such as this than helpers? So maybe your interest is piqued, but you're thinking "what do I get out of this?". That's very simple. You get the prestige and notoriety of being able to brag that you helped write the helper test. You get a warm fuzzy feeling for being helpful to ICC in yet another way. And .. ta da.. you get a one month membership extension for each question selected! You all should have a good idea of the kind of format to use for the questions, since the vast majority of you have taken the test at least once, and some of you much more than that. Don't worry. I won't mention any names. natnee In case some of you have forgotten, usually questions are formatted something like: I'm having such and such problem. What should I do? How can I ... ? Someone is telling you this or that. What do you tell them? Anyway you get the idea. Feel free to get creative or even phrase your best ideas in multiple ways. Also, feel free to make multiple submissions. If you submit a question that is formulated better than an existing question that will also win. Questions geared specifically toward BlitzIn will also be considered. Be sure to keep in mind the purpose of the test, and what is reasonable to expect a prospective helper to know. Message all submissions to Cell! You have til November 2nd! Good luck! Cell

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