
Contrary to popular belief the CSSCGC isn't all fun and games. In fact, you'll be lucky to find either of those if it's a really good year. Here we present some of the amazingly useful utilities that have been constructed to make the Spectrum user's life just that little bit easier.

Not that they ever did, though.

Advanced BASIC De-bugger - By Chris Young

Yes, that's right! No longer do we have to be content with our Spectrums just beeping and pointing the cursor at a seemingly random part of the line we've just entered, now we can actually pin-point the error with incredible accuracy!

Or at least that's what you'd think the program did, wouldn't you? But - lest ye forget - this is the CSSCGC and so Chris's program serves to de-bug BASIC about as well as emptying a can of Raid fly spray over the keyboard does. Hurrah!

Comp.Sys.Sinclair Crap Games Comp - By Chris Young

No longer do you have to go through the arduous motions of actually sculpting a piece of software yourself with this excellent 1998 entry from the ubiquitous Chris Young's Unsatisfactory Software. Just type in the name of the program, the fictional length of time that you spent slaving over it and how you sent it in to the compo and the program does the rest grading it on a scale of crapness.

Obviously you won't win the compo this way, but at least you'll have the warm glow of believing that you've actually contributed to it in some way. Even though you haven't.

IBM PC Emulator - By Derek Jolly

Ever wanted to relive the thrill of accidentally FDISK-ing your PC but safe in the knowledge that you won't be doing any damage at all? Well now you can thanks to Derek Jolly's utterly convincing simulation of PC DOS.

This stunning piece of software emulates no less than, ooh, four different commands with varying degrees of success and so delivers hours and hours of thrilling, captivating and exciting entertainment!

Like bollocks it does...