Our Pets

Take a walk around our gardens and you will find a few of our other residents :

Purdey, our resident peahen, lives in the branches of our Cedar tree. Purdey Update....she laid 4 clutches of eggs in the summer, we have arranged to take her over to Tropiquaria for a few weeks next summer so she can spend some time with an Indian Blue Peacock, she seems quite pleased with this idea. 

George & Mildred, a pair of wild ducks, have spent the whole of the summer on our small lake, and we now have 4 or 5 small ducks (we named them George & Mildred because they bicker with each other constantly).Duck Update....the small ducks are now fully grown, but are a completely different colouring to George - I think this may have been what the bickering was about!

Scruffy, a blackbird that looks like its been pulled through a hedge backwards, lives in the trees adjacent to the crocquet lawn. Scruffy Update.....not been seen for a little while but rest of family still here, maybe they have a blackbird dress code?

The Chickens (we haven't given them individual names) spend their lives in what appears to be one continuous mothers meeting, they're almost as bad as George & Mildred! They are partial to leftovers and produce tasty free-range eggs. Chicken Update....still here, still bickering. 

On top of these we have wood-pigeons, squirrels, a sparrow-hawk, and for a thankfully short time this summer, a heron - well, the fish were thankful it was only here for a short while!

I will be adding photo's of our resident wildlife as soon as they start co-operating by standing still !
