Fritz 5.32 Blitz Masters 1999



Fritz 5.32 has the feature of organizing automatic round robin engine tournaments. I have therefore put together a large blitz tournament to determine the best blitz ( 5 min) playing engine. The tourney includes all available Fritz engines. Also included are freeware engines which can be used in the Fritz GUI via the special Winboard adapter, available at

There are 25 engines participating. These are:

Junior 5.0  (Round #1-3: "favour sacrifices" = enabled)
Junior 4.6
Nimzo '99 (w "single move extension" = enabled)
Hiarcs 6.0
Fritz 1.20
Fritz 3.10
Fritz 4.01
Fritz 5.00
Fritz 5.32 (Round #1: "Aggressiveness" = +1)
Crafty 16.1
Crafty 16.3
Crafty 16.5
Phalanx XXI
Comet A96
Comet A98
Comet B00
Little Goliath 1.41
Little Goliath Gold 1.1
The Crazy Bishop 0042
Bionic 4.01
Doctor? 3.0
Gromit 2.1
Ssechess 2.02
EXchess 2.51

The tournament is set in several stages:

The first one goes round robin for 2 rounds which means that each engine plays each other engine twice, with the white colours and with the black colours. There
will be 600 games at all.

At the second stage of the tournament, the first 10 engines of the previous stage play  each other in 4 rounds round robin.

The best 4 engines qualify for stage # 3 and have to face each other in 10 rounds round robin.

In the last stage, the 2 best engines face each other in a match over 100 games.

The winning engine is declared "Blitz Champion 1999".

The games will be played on my AMD K6-2 350 MHz machine (oc'ed K6-2 300) and
should be on a high quality level.

Opening Books:

Fritz 5.32 and  Fritz 5.16 use a special version of the Powerbook '98. Nimzo and the Junior engines use their own opening books. The other engines all use the original Powerbook '98.

Time Settings: 5 minutes

© Andreas Schwartmann, Schwerinstr. 37-39, D-50733 Köln - Phone: +49 221 279 4277