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The Slav


The Slav Defense


Dorian Rogozenko is the author of this opening CD from Chessbase on the Slav. It sticks to the familiar format that other opening CDs from Chessbase follow. This means that there is set of text articles on the opening, a tree, and a database of important games. Coverage of the opening is pretty detailed, and includes ECO codes D10-D19. While there is no information provided on the Meran and Botvinnik variation, coverage of other variations is quite thorough. One topical variation that is covered in some detail is the so-called Cherbanenko variation (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 a6), which is played quite frequently by Dreev and Shirov

About 150 of the games on this CD are annotated by Rogozenko, and these games tend to contain English text explanation of important positional concepts. The balance of the annotated games (around 1300) are from a variety of other Chessbase annotators. It looks like many of these games have been culled from previous issues of Chessbase magazine and opening CDs. Like many Chessbase offerings, the annotations are not always in English, with many of them being in German. Of course, Informant codes are employed also, so most important concepts are understandable without the text. There are also 22 training games on the CD, with quiz positions taken mostly from the late opening or early middlegame.

The CD has a fairly conversational style, with well-indexed material. There are 85 (!) instructional text articles of 1-2 pages each, that explain the important ideas and history of a particular variation. The author also provides a set of hot linked tabia, or common middlegame positions, which facilitate the location of important instructional articles on the CD. I think this is a good example that other opening CD authors should follow as well.

I found this CD to be well written, and easy to understand. I think it would be useful to those that play, or want to play the Slav. I say this because there is a good mix of detail on existing theory, and emphasis on new methods of playing this opening as well. However, I would counsel prospective purchasers that this is not a "Play X to Win" type of CD. The author tends to present the important ideas and theoretical material in each game, but leaves decisions about which variations to play up to the user.

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