The Chess Board

Ranks Files Diagonals

Remember: White square to the Right and Queen to her Color.
(This is true for both the White and Black pieces).

The letters and numbers on the side of the board are called coordinates, they represent ranks and files.

If you are the white pieces, the letters (files) should be in alphabetical order: A - H.

If you are the black pieces, the letters should be in reverse order: H - A.

The numbers on the side of the board are the ranks, if you are the white pieces, they should count up: 1 - 8.

If you are the black pieces, they should count down: 8 - 1.

Diagonals are slanted lines, criss-cross lines, X

There are dark square diagonals and light square diagonals.

All the major pieces (Kings, Queens, and Rooks) and minor pieces (Knights and Bishops) sit opposite of each other, the pawns are in a line in front of the pieces.

There are sixty-four (64) squares on a Chessboard.

One side of the Board is
called the "Queen-Side."

Queen Side and King Side

One side of the Board is
called the "King-Side."

You will often hear "Move a pawn to the
Center of the Board."

Center Squares

You will also hear "Control the Center of the Board."

Watch the first movie on setting up the board.

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