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headlines for
august 2007

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news topic classification is flexible - the world is seamless
orange dates indicate news items from the last seven days
articles listed in heavy text / short items listed in light text
fun protecting yourself in the clown’s socialist paradise
previous news headlines label 2007 VII VIII IX
2006 X XI XII
2005 X XI XII
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politics on fossil media reporting
news-lite google earth goes into space - who lives there? - t.a.s.
politics george bush’s speech on iraq
health uk health service - the current reality
alternative energies clown brown’s filth government evades responsibility again, while china moves on clean nuclear power
science and technology very big numbers for space anniversary - xavier
ecology on the chinese ‘miracle’
fun fun trucks
ecology on bee colony collapse
business and markets china’s fake industry - t.a.s.
economics distrust leading to illiquidity
behaviour and intelligence on them and us
civil liberties freedom in america - t.a.s.
ecology the alternative kyoto is powering ahead
behaviour and intelligence the current school and university exam system
politics trust us, we’re the fossil media - t.a.s.
ecology agw - local system models increasingly melded with planetary models
fun slideshow of new uk warhol exhibition
ecology ice within arctic circle continues to shrinkFour GoldenYak (tm) award
politics giuliani’s foreign policy - t.a.s.
politics carving up the oceans
fun on sunspot activity and republicans elected to senate
technology software for detecting image manipulation - t.a.s.
economics e-gold explained - interview with one of the founders This document includes .mp3 sound files
click for the technology zone at abelard.org customising your homepage on your computer
civil liberties test town in china for citizen surveillance and control - xavier
politics libya - yes we torture, yes we blackmail,but it‘s your fault
ecology tracking and measuring global warming is not as easy as cribbage
fun good advice - t-shirt
ecology illegal marijuana growers trashing wilderness sites
news-lite bee sight pics - pretty
politics ‘new’ labour putting uk troops and iraq at increasing risk for political considerations
behaviour and intelligence new: Donald Rumsfeld – selected quotations
fun ministry of silly walks on the pak-india border
alternative energies i haven’t seen this combination-type roof previously - part of a solar home
technology on ‘improving’ photos - believing what you see
ecology average life expectation of china’s big city traffic cops - 43 years
behaviour and intelligence the planet’s most advanced culture - by far
fun uncovered - secret bush plot to confuse leftists
politics ‘democrat’s’ and other socialists’ increasing desperation to lose in iraq
news-lite new ways to make that vehicle go
the world of fundamentalism mark steyn on the vanishing jihad exposé
health particulate pollution by laser printers in the office
the world of fundamentalism very major jihadist recants - allegedly
fun an urban alphabet - xavier
behaviour and intelligence abelard anti-darwin award - now here's a fellow who thinks clearly and effectively
ecology raising more questions than it answers - on brown clouds over asia
behaviour and intelligence new: reasoning errors, empathy, attention and concentration
fun slake your filthy lust on these aesthetic beings - “i really struggle with bodily fluids”, she said
alternative energies various additions to photovoltaics (solar cells) briefing document - concentrators, silicon and dyes
fun looking for that very special gift for your favorite dork? seek no further
For earlier headlines, please go to previous headlines for july 2007 page

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v.3.1 (01.01.2006)

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