Board   E4EC
Server statistics

To show the number of players in the club, their activity, you can find some statistical values here:

Type Value
Number of active players: 431
Number of running games: 1194
Number of moves yesterday: 821
All incoming email messages: 1607340
All outgoing email messages: 2465226

A player becomes inactive if he/she is not playing in any game, does not have a pairing request, and sent his/her last message to the server more than 100 days ago. At this point he/she is temporarily removed from the players list, inactive players do not count into the above value.

Running games are those which have both players, have already started, but still didn't finish, so which are currently in progress.

Yesturday's moves are those which were taken from yesturday 00:00 until today 00:00 GMT.

All incoming messages are those, which were sent by the club members to the server from somewhere the beginning of 2002.

Outgoing messages were sent by the server to the players, also from around the beginning of 2002.

If you like to play chess, playing many games simultaneously, if you like to think your moves when you have time, and it doesn't bother you if your games last several weeks, then you are welcome to join the club.

And here you can find some rather interesting than important statistics about pieces' activity in all the games since Jan 17, 2003:

Piece Moves % Captures % Captured %
King: 111486 10 9295 4 - -
Queen: 140909 12 41244 16 18015 7
Rook: 152159 13 36911 14 25385 10
Knight: 227142 19 50048 19 52591 20
Bishop: 191407 16 51325 19 47247 18
Pawn: 348554 30 75354 28 120939 45
Summarized: 1171657 100 264177 100 264177 100

The data on this page are refreshed once each day, last on 2007.08.29, 00:00 CET.

King Shehran and Sessa ebn Daher

As the tail says there was a king in India, called Shehran, dominating on everything, but his tedium. He was bored in the morning, noon and at night, all every day, until he fell ill because of it.

Sessa ebn Daher, his court wise man, to heal the king, invented a new game, called it chess. The game was brilliant, the king has recovered from the illnes after the first game.

- What do you want as a reward? - asked Shehran.

- A few grains of wheat only: put one grain on the first square of the chessboard, then double it on the next squares - said Sessa ebn Daher.

- Humble request! - smiled the king, but finally couldn't perform it.

The number of the wheat grains was 18 trillion, 446 billiard, 744 billion, 73 milliard 709 million, 551 thousand 615, which is approximately 700 thousand million tonnes.

The game is the most exciting, when the two players are on the same playing strength. If the difference is too high between their strength, then one player will see the same game boring, that the other will see annihilating.
The playing strength are defined by the elo rating, its value is usually between 800 and 2600 points. Players are divided into different classes according to their playing strength, their elo rating. Players in the same class are in similar playing level.
Tournaments are usually class based, so players in the same level play each other in tournaments (mostly).
The following classes are defined in the club:

Class M 2200-
Class X 2000-2199
Class A 1800-1999
Class B 1600-1799
Class C 1400-1599
Class D 1200-1399
Class E 1000-1199
Class F 000-999
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