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Rooks: The rook is the most powerful piece on the board since it can move horizontally and vertically any number of squares, forwards or backwards. So it can control more squares than any other chessman. The Rook is also called a "Chariot" or a "Car" in the Chinese language.

Knights: The Knight moves in an L shape in any direction. We can say that it either moves two squares horizontally right or left and then one square up or down, or two squares vertically up or down, and then one square right or left. However, the Knight cannot jump over other chessman; therefore, if there is a piece (from either side) right next to the Knight, the Knight cannot move toward that direction. The knight is called a "Horse" or a "Ma" in Chinese. 

Elephants: An Elephant moves two exactly squares diagonally. Also, Elephants may not move to a square at the other side of the river.  Thus, there are only seven points which the Bishop can ever occupy. The Elephant, however, can not make the move if there is another chessman blocking its way. There are different symbols used for red and for black Elephants, but this does not affect their movements. Elephants are also called Ministers.

Guards: The Guard is the weakest piece. It can move only one space diagonally. It cannot move horizontally or vertically, and cannot leave the palace. This means that there are only five points which can ever be occupied by the Guard.

Kings: The King is the most important piece on the chessboard. It can never be captured else the game is lost. The king moves one square horizontally or vertically, and only in the center square marked with an X. called palace. King cannot move diagonally. If a piece is on a square that the King can move to then the King may capture that piece. Again, please notice the red king and the black king have a different symbol. The two kings cannot face each other directly vertically. They have to be blocked by at least one chessman of either side in the between. The King is called the "General" in Chinese.

Cannons: The move of a cannon when he does not take a piece is different from when he takes a piece. When a Cannon moves without taking, this is just like a normal rook. However, when a cannon makes a capture, he moves horizontally or vertically, and must jump over another piece before making the capture. Cannons capture by jumping over a piece to capture the next piece. Cannons only capture when jumping, and only jump when capturing. It can never jump over more than one piece at one time.

Pawns:  In Chinese Chess, when a pawn is at his own side of the board, he can move one square straight forward. When a pawn has the river crossed and hence is at the opponents side of the board, he can either move one square straight forward, or one square horizontally to either direction. Pawns never move backwards, and do not promote: when on the last row, they only can move left and right. Again, there are different symbols for a red and a black pawn.