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Your e-mails: Remembering 9/11 heroes

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(CNN) -- On the sixth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, CNN asked users to share their stories of heroes from that fateful day and how they were being remembered.

Sarah Glasgow of Easton, Pennsylvania, sent this photo of a 9/11 memorial made up of flags and shoes.

Below is a selection of those responses, some of which have been edited for length and clarity.

Joshua Miller of Peoria, Illinois
I would like to remember Patrick "Joe" Driscoll today. He lost his life aboard United Airlines Flight 93 on the morning of September 11, 2001. He was traveling with his friend, Billy Cashman, from New Jersey to California for a hiking trip. Joe was a man in his 70s who had had heart bypass surgery and hip replacement surgery. These physical setbacks didn't stop a feisty guy from New York City. He went on to live an active life. He was a fighter who had a gentle side. He adored his grandchildren, his children, and his wife. Joe is greatly missed. So many of us are so very proud of him. To ease my grief over the losses we all share from that terrible day, I often think of the passage from the gospel of John: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Thank you, Joe. You did just that.

Jennifer Brower of Alexandria, Virginia
Ray Downey, the most decorated firefighter in the history of New York City, a tireless soldier in the battle for the safety and security of the people of the United States, and an amazing father and grandfather, died in the command post in New York City on September 11, 2001. I had the honor of getting to know Ray through our work on the Gilmore Commission. My daughter is named after him, and he is a constant source of inspiration whenever I am scared to do things. I do not know whether he was scared, but it certainly never stopped him.

Anne-Marie Canter of San Francisco, California
I had three heroes on that day. Two of them were firemen walking up the stairs of the North Tower as we were all walking down and out. We had been backed up on the stairwells and some people were starting to panic but when the two firemen came up and told us all to carry on walking, we would get out and they just walked up the stairs past us. They had such brave, courageous faces and their voices were so confident. They carried on up the stairs and we all felt much better and continued our way down. We all got out but I don't think they did and I will never forget those brave faces and the hope their strong voices gave us. My other hero is my friend Debbie -- she walked down next to me all the way and kept cheerful and even managed to make me smile when she made a joke about what a mess our mascara must be -- it sounds silly but at that point we all had no idea what was going on outside but we needed to distract ourselves from some of the smells and sounds in the stairwell and seeing someone so calm made me feel a lot calmer. We all are so much stronger than we think, and our actions have such an impact on those around us.

Jennifer Taylor of Upland, California
I believe that those of us who have continued on with our lives, continued to travel, work, pray, love and care for one another and stand by our way of life are heroes! I believe all of those who lost their lives that day would have wanted no less. We will never forget you, not one of you!!!

Theju Mudda of Bangalore, India
My deep condolences to the innocent people who got killed in the 9/11 event. The event should be remembered as Heroes Day --- for the people who sacrificed their lives trying to save other lives and for the people who gave their lives for no mistake of theirs. God bless their families!

Emory Baird of Brodnax, Virginia
A quick game of shuffleboard [was] interrupted by an intercom announcement declaring one of the Trade Center towers had been hit by a stray plane. Completely oblivious to what was happening, I continued my game. As a result of the events and disappointment in myself over my reaction, I am now a state certified firefighter. I can only pray for the courage you all showed. A special thanks to FDNY, we haven't forgotten you. From Company 2 to you, thank you. You set the example for the world.

Gil Gonzales of Houston, Texas
My heartfelt prayers go out to the families of all who died on 9/11. May God help them overcome their grief.

Christina Joseph of Chicago, Illinois
As a person who was there in NYC watching the monuments of my city fall down, I can only remember the compassion. The firefighters who came from all over the United States to help, to offer support and just to be there. The many doors of religious organizations that were open day and nights to offer solace. One such church was on Park Avenue near Grand Central and it had a sign that just said "come in and sit" and it did not matter who you were, where you came from, we all needed each other. We still do.

Daniel S. Martin of Manchester, Connecticut
My younger brother who is an American Airlines pilot flew on 9/11/01 from Boston's Logan to NYC's Kennedy and finally San Diego. He left Boston around 6 or 6:30 a.m., landed in NYC, took off no problem and headed to the West Coast around 8:30 or so. ... Unfortunately, we all know the rest of the story. ... He was ordered to land in Indiana, which he did, arriving safely (knees shaking!) with his crew, passengers and aircraft. ... He's my hero.

Benedict Albensi of Winnipeg, Manitoba
I am an American who lives and works in Winnipeg as a medical professor. I have been flying the American flag in my neighborhood all week as a tribute to those heroes and other victims who lost their lives on 9/11. Last July here in Winnipeg, someone put a Nazi swastika on my car's American flag sticker. So now I fly the U.S. flag a lot more than I used to. It is not trendy to be an American in many foreign countries right now. Living in a foreign country I find myself having to advocate why the USA is still the greatest country in the world. It is a tough sell these days. As Americans we have to let the world know that America has problems but we are not "the" problem.

J.E. Seaman of Huntington, New York
We never mention nearly often enough the flight attendants on all the planes, but especially AA Flight 11. Talk about guts, they identified the hijackers before the first plane hit. Talk about professionals! Talk about the courageous!

Matt Williams of Katy, Texas
I will be honoring the many victims and heroes of that day by wearing a 9/11 pin that was given to me by an Army buddy of mine. This will be the fourth year that I will wear it. I wear it only September 11.

Natasha Jenkins of Ottawa, Kansas
I was a senior in high school, sitting in a college prep class, early on the morning of September 11, 2001. I remember my English teacher hustling into the room to share the news about the first tower being hit just as our class was starting. Unknowing, I made a silly comment to the English teacher about something random and I'll never forget the look she gave me. Once we had the TV tuned in to CNN, I felt as though my innocence and naive nature had been forever changed. This year, I will remember the fallen with my own students, as this is my first year of teaching. I plan on discussing the event, the aftermath, and the memories with my sophomore world history students.

Tim of Dothan, Alabama
"Heroes"? A media term we sometimes use for comfort. Perhaps it's easier to reconcile the deaths of 3,000 of our fellow Americans if we refer to them as heroes -- it implies that they died for a noble reason. Perhaps it's less traumatic to lose a loved one if we can justify calling them a "hero." But the sad fact is, many of those we lost, including my brother, simply got up that morning to face another (supposed) mundane day on the job. It's been six years, and the word "hero" still brings no comfort, no reconciliation.

Justin Wright of Salt Lake City, Utah
I remember it as clear as day. You don't ever forget images like what I saw on the television that morning or throughout the remainder of that particular day. The mere fact that United Airlines Flight 93 didn't make it to its target is a simple testimony to the spirit and dogged fight that there is in the people of this country. I think of those who gave their lives. ... May God bless all those on 9/11/01 who went before us.

Laura Keefner of Great Barrington, Massachusetts
My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of 9/11 and their families and our country. That horrific day lives in my mind and I will never forget. A flag hangs outside my house every day, and I hope the rest of America displays the flag this day and every day. This is your country, and people flock here every day because of all the USA has to offer. I am proud to be an American and I wish the country could go back to the days after 9/11 when we were so united and proud of our country. Now there is so much bickering between political parties and the American people. God bless all the victims of 9/11, all policemen, emergency workers, firefighters and our military. They are my true heroes.

Michael White of London, England
When the planes flew into the World Trade Center, I just could not believe it. Afterwards, I was contracted to expand the fiber optics at the morgue to accommodate the newly installed trailers for identification of the dead. I watched as our fallen firefighters and police officers' remains were brought in for identification. I don't think I will ever forget the heroes who gave their lives for others. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

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