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Review: 'Jackass,' 'Dead Head Fred' debut on PSP

While the trend today is portable games that can make you smarter -- spawned by the popularity of Nintendo's "Brain Age" titles -- some are designed to turn you into a jackass.

Review: Intense 'BioShock' one of year's best

Microsoft Xbox 360 owners in search of an intense 3-D shooter need not wait for Halo 3.

Review: 'Boogie' a fun but flawed music game

Thanks to its unique motion-sensing controllers, the Nintendo Wii has enjoyed critical and commercial success by offering fresh new game-play experiences.

Review: Have fun as planner in 'Wedding Dash'

Fans of the hit game series "Diner Dash" have been anxiously waiting to swap brooms for grooms in PlayFirst's first official offshoot game, "Wedding Dash."

Review: Bang your head to '80s-themed 'Guitar Hero'

Until recently, wannabe rock stars were limited in how to live out the dream: embarrass themselves at karaoke bars or dance in front of the mirror with a tennis racket.

Review: New racing game a 'dirty' delight

NASCAR enthusiasts and Formula 1 fans might turn their nose up at off-road and Rally racing, but they should reserve judgment until they've climbed behind the wheel of Codemasters' "DiRT."

Games to save up for

So many games, so little time.

Review: 'Transformers' game short but sweet

Movie-based video games are a lot like movie sequels: You hope for the best but brace for the worst.

Review: Crime fighters Sam & Max back on the beat

There's a new "Season 1" DVD causing quite a buzz among entertainment fans -- and it's not Heroes, Supernatural or any other television show.

Review: 'Bargain bin' games offer cheap fun

Good news for those tight on cash or with aging PCs: Many video game retailers still devote a section of their store to "bargain bin" games, those slightly older, undersold or overstocked titles.

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