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Tips for Beginners - Learn to Play

FAQs Index

What's the difference between check, checkmate, and mate?

What is the point value for each chess piece?

Can you touch a piece without moving it and then move a different piece?

What happens when neither player notices a King in check and the game continues?

How do you decide who plays White and who plays Black?

What happens if the King is not in check, but every move leaves it in check?

What's the 13-move rule for a draw? The 16-move rule? The 50-move rule?

Is it really check if a King is attacked, but the attacking piece can't move?

Can you promote a Pawn to a Queen if you already have a Queen on the board?

Does en passant work only from the 5th row, or can it happen anywhere?

What is castling the King and how does it work?

What happens if you leave your King in check? Can your opponent take it?

Do you have to say something when you attack the King or the Queen?

Can the Queen be captured if left by mistake in a threatened position?

Can any chess piece capture any other piece?

Can you list all the special moves of Pawns?

How can I learn to play chess?

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