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Chess: Most Popular Articles

These articles are the most popular over the last month.
How to Play Chess
The Rules of Chess. How to set up a chess board, move the pieces, castle, capture, checkmate, and more. Chess by the rules.
How to Set Up a Chess Board
The Rules of Chess. How to set up a chess set on a chess board. What a properly set up chess board looks like.
Chess Opening Essentials
Your first task in a chess game is to get a good position. To do that you need to know something about the openings. Here are opening variations, names, and more. (Part 1 of 8)
How Chess Pawns Move.
The Rules of Chess. How Chess Pawns Move.
Win at Chess
You and your opponent have both survived the opening with a playable game. Now what happens?
How the Chess Knight Moves
The Rules of Chess. How the Chess Knight Moves.
How to Castle
The Rules of Chess. How to Castle.
Introduction to the Rules
The Rules of Chess. Here is a simple description of how to play chess by the rules. 'A moment to learn; a lifetime to master.'
How the Chess King Moves
The Rules of Chess. How the Chess King Moves.
Check, Checkmate, Stalemate
The Rules of Chess. How to Check, Checkmate, and Stalemate.
How the Chess Rook Moves
The Rules of Chess. How the Chess Rook Moves.
Initial Position
Learn the chess openings starting from the initial position. (Part 1 of 2)
How the Chess Queen Moves
The Rules of Chess. How the Chess Queen Moves.
Classic Chess : View 64 Great Games
Play through 64 great chess games considered by many experts to be among the best ever played.
Chess Tips for Pieces
Although chess is a difficult game to play, there are many rules of thumb that help guide you through the complications. Our tips cover general considerations, openings, middle games, and endgames, all with specific pieces in mind.
Basic Chess Concepts
The tools of chess. Here's what every chess player should know -- chess notation, draws, the relative value of the pieces, the phases of the game, tactical play, and more. This is basic knowledge you need to get started on the winner's path.
Positional Play : Piece Placement -- Chess Strategy
'Play with your Pieces, not with your Pawns!' Here are some elements of piece play and chess strategy which are in the arsenal of every good chess player. Our guide is Aron Nimzovitch, the author of My System.
How to Capture En Passant
The Rules of Chess. How to Capture En Passant.
King's Pawn Openings
Chess openings King's Pawn Openings. (Part 1 of 2)
Sicilian Defense
Chess openings Sicilian Defense. (Part 1 of 2)
Introduction to 1.e4
No chess player can ignore 1.e4, when White already attacks on the first move. Half of your opponents are going to open with the King's Pawn - how do you react? (Part 1 of 10)
How the Chess Bishop Moves
The Rules of Chess. How the Chess Bishop Moves.
How to Promote a Pawn
The Rules of Chess. How to Promote a Pawn.
Relative Value of Chess Pieces
Knowing what is a fair trade of chess pieces is crucial to conducting a successful chess game. There are major chess pieces and minor chess pieces. What does winning an exchange mean? Examples of equal trades.
Origin of Chess
Where did chess come from? The most widely accepted scenario is that chess appeared in India around 600 A.D., was adopted in Persia around 700 A.D., and was absorbed by Arab culture around 800 A.D. Just as chess is a difficult game, its origin is a difficult puzzle. We may never know the truth of its birth.
Chess Traps : View Full Games
Play through the moves leading up to some well known chess traps.
Best Chess Books
Chess library -- there have been more books written about chess than about any other game. See our list of recommended classics especially chosen for the beginning and intermediate player.
Guide to the Chess Pieces - The King
Beginner's Guide to the Six Chess Pieces
Tactical Play
Tactics, the heart of chess, are based on the way the pieces move. The most common tactical themes -- the fork, the pin, discovered attack, discovered check, and the xray -- are all based on the double attack.
Chess Ratings
The Elo rating is a relative measure of a chess player's skill. What does Elo stand for and how is a rating calculated? (Part 1 of 5)
Positional Play
When there are no tactics, positional play is the main factor. You have to pay attention to the center, open lines, piece activity, pawn structure, and King safety. Do you know how to tell a good position from a bad one?
1972 World Chess Championship : View Fischer - Spassky Games
View games from the 1972 Fischer - Spassky match, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Where to Play Chess Online
Web-based resources let you play chess online at any time of the day against opponents anywhere in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that they have revolutionized chess play. Registration is required for most online chess play resources, but some offer limited online play without registration.
Unusual First Moves
The initial position shares a feature with all chess positions -- the legal moves do not all h