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Tagged News: hub

Thursday, August 30th

Like a refreshing after-dinner mint, PlayNC has released the Screenshot of the Week following this week's buffet of Tabula Rasa PAX coverage!


PlayNC Quote:

Girls with Guns

"In this week's screenshot, two AFS soldiers infiltrate a Bane base, only to find themselves gearing up for another battle as a Bane drop ship arrives with reinforcements. Both Bane and AFS bases can be overtaken by the enemy in Tabula Rasa. But you better have plenty of ammo handy if you want to keep control of one... the Bane are poor losers....


Here are 2 more videos from PAX. One shows a Bright Wizard in RvR including a nice zoom in on the map. The second one shows a Goblin Shaman in a very cool helmet in RvR. As a bonus, I posted several close up pictures of the Tome of Knowledge!

Click on Read More to see the videos and pictures!


I stopped by the LOTRO booth while at PAX, and recorded a bit of video. One of the Devs were playing, and I watched as he soloed a Gorthog! Very interesting stuff here!

Click Read More to see the video!


While at PAX, I was able to record a bit of game play footage of Pirates of The Burning Sea. I zoomed in quite a bit on the UI elements, so you see that more than anything. You do get to see a few shots as well though. I hope you enjoy it!

Click Read More to see the video!

Wednesday, August 29th

Turbine has begun its quest into the free trial industry, something every game eventually does. Lord of the Rings Online went four months before needing to do a trial, which isn't bad.

Find out the details after the click.


NCSoft has released its first free update to Dungeon Runners, the (kinda) free to play casual dungeon-crawling MMO they put out earlier this year. The game allows anyone to get in and enjoy it free of charge, but also carries a subscription fee for some premium content options.

Read after the click for details of the update.

Developer Journals

imageIn our weekly Wednesday feature, we look at four more of the hundreds of abilities players can earn in the upcoming PVP MMO Fury. Published by Gamecock and developed by Auran, Fury lets players mix and match their skills for the ultimate arena-based PvP experience.

This week, we have "Roar of the Warchief", a unique field ability that buffs the damage output of all the good guys in that area. Freezing Shot not only roots, but injures the target. Paralyze slows the enemy, doing damage. Finally, Judgment steals health from the target and any nearby enemies, then transfers it to the player and nearby friends.

Read more after the click.


EVE Online is the MMO version of a Cinderella story. They have shown how a company can take a game that quite frankly didn't have a stellar launch, and completely turn that around. EVE continues to grow, and gain new players all the time. I got a chance to interview Noah Ward, the Lead Designer for EVE while at PAX in Seattle.

WarCry: What can you tell us about the upcoming faction conflicts in Revelations 3, and how will it affect existing corporations?

Noah Ward: Well if you really want to stay out of it, you will be able to stay out of it. You can let the empires have their wars, and stay out of it, but if you want to join up and pick a side, you will be able to do that. So originally the design for faction warfare would be like solo members would sign up, but we got such an outcry from the community, that people wanted to stay with their corporations; and we don't want to break up those social groups. So now we are going to allow corporations to sign up together and pick a side. We are now not going to allow people to be on opposing sides in the same corporation. We felt that just didn't make any sense. So a corporation has to choose, and everyone has to fit the requirements, and yes there will be some sort of standing requirements.

Read more after the click.


GameNGame has announced that Pi Story, an anime MMO, will begin Closed Beta on August 31st and continue until September 5th. Developed by Korean developer NCONY Enterprise, the game was built by developers from teams like Rangarok, Silkroad and Lineage and targeted to both Korean and North America.

Read more after the click.


I got 2 more videos of WAR posted. These two were also taken from PAX. One shows RvR of an Orc swinging his huge sword and blocking blows with his shield. The second one shows a Chaos Zealot in RvR.

Click Read More to see the videos!