Thursday, October 11, 2007
Flirting with disaster
Mercifully none of the victims at SuccessTech died, except of course the shooter. But Cleveland has been flirting with disaster all week.

Buried inside today's Cleveland Plain Dealer, a list of school gun incidents over the pst seven days: a mother arrested with a .22 after she caame to school to confront some students who jumped her son; special education student caught with a duffel bag stuffed with a semi-automatic rifle and 40 lbs of ammo. It goes on.

Where did Asa Coon get his guns? And what drove him to use them? We're asking those questions today.

-- By Steve Turnham, CNN Producer
Posted By CNN: 11:13 AM ET
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Shiny, happy people ... or not
Tonight we are doing something very different and pretty cool: As part of our "Planet in Peril" project, we are debuting a new song from REM called "Until the Day is Done." It's very, very powerful and evocative music, and we are jazzed the band made it available to us. But under the heading of "transparency" here's the backstory on how Michael Stipe and REM became a part of our "Planet in Peril" project, despite our clumsy efforts.

Early in the planning and shooting of the documentary (reminder: airs October 23 and 24 at 9 p.m.) we knew our research and storylines were solid and that our high-definition video from all over the world would be magnificent. So we wanted very strong and memorable music to make the doc even more powerful. Given their iconic status, legendary musicianship and longstanding interest in a lot of the issues our documentary would examine, we thought first of REM.

We've worked with Michael Stipe in the past and we guessed there could be a good fit. But we also knew it would come down to some very basic questions: Did the band have any new music coming out that might work with what we are doing? If so, would the timing work? And would the band even want be associated with our project?

That was the background when Charlie Moore -- who is executive producing the documentary -- and I cluelessly walked into the executive's office at Warner Music Group here in New York City. The folks there were fantastic. Charlie and I figured this would be a no-brainer. After all, we explained, CNN is owned by Time Warner and we were making a deal at Warner Music. All in the family, right? We'd get some sort of special consideration, get a deal done and then go have a little lunch. Totally clueless.

As we proceeded with our pitch, we vaguely noticed the thought balloon floating above this executive's head was: "These guys are rubes." So when we'd finished our clever pitch, the executive gently explained how a while ago Time Warner had sold Warner Music. They are not connected. No special consideration. We'd made a total hash of this. We were not "Shiny, happy people."

And yet, and yet, despite our uninformed if not self-destructive impulses (and with the invaluable help of Mark Shimmel of Turner Broadcasting) we are so, so fortunate to have this amazing music from REM, who, yes, loves our "Planet in Peril" project. In fact, Anderson is talking to Michael Stipe about it tonight on "360."

-- By David Doss, "360" Executive Producer

Dont Miss: REM debuting song on "360"
Posted By CNN: 2:57 PM ET
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Living the Bible, literally
AJ Jacobs was a man on a mission of Biblical proportions. His goal? To live the "Good Book" as literally as possible for an entire year, and yes, it wound up being as tough as it sounds.

Jacobs started by making a list of rules to live by based on his study of the Bible. He determined there are more than 700 decrees that he had to keep conscious of every waking minute of every day.

As you might imagine, some of the well-known rules of the Bible were not too tough to implement. "Thou shalt not kill", for example, was a no-brainer.

It was some of the more obscure rules, such as those suggesting one should stone adulterers, wear all white and smash idols, that proved most difficult to abide by.

"I grew up in a very secular home," Jacobs said. "I'm Jewish in the same way the Olive Garden is Italian, so not very. But I've become very interested in religion, so I wanted this to be diving in head first and learning about religion."

Jacobs chronicled his adventure in "The Year of Living Biblically", a new book. Much to our benefit, beyond writing about his experience, Jacobs also had the foresight to bring a video camera along for the ride.

We'll show some of this video tonight and hear directly from Jacobs. He'll explain, among other things, why a 70-something lothario threatened him with violence and how he managed to out-Bible talk a Jehovah's Witness.

So here's my question: Which biblical rules -- when taken literally -- would you find most difficult to follow in modern society?

-- By Chuck Hadad, CNN Producer
Posted By CNN: 2:06 PM ET
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Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Are police guilty until proven innocent?
Last week, we saw video showing officers arresting 45-year-old Carol Anne Gotbaum for disorderly conduct at Phoenix's Sky Harbor Airport. Minutes later, she died while handcuffed in a holding cell. Police deny any wrongdoing. They say their actions were proper and justified and no excessive force was used.

This week, we saw dashboard-cam video of a Ft. Pierce, Florida police officer punching and pepper-spraying a 15-year-old girl for violating the town's curfew. The teenager bit the officer on his arm -- before he punched her and pulled out the pepper spray. The city's police chief told a local newspaper that his officer acted properly.
As always, we want to hear from you. Tonight's blog question is:

Are police guilty until proven innocent?

Click on the comments section below to share your thoughts online. We'll also be reading some of your comments during the show. And a reminder, you can always send us a v-mail.

See you tonight at 10p.m. ET.
Posted By CNN: 9:34 PM ET
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Flip-flop or just flop?
Hillary Clinton has flip-flopped, despite her best efforts to play a prevent defense while enjoying frontrunner status. Will it hurt her in the polls or fundraising while she continues to race away from the pack? Probably not. Is it worse than the slips that many other candidates make? Not really.

But for a campaign that clearly prides itself on sweating the details, this is an embarrassing misstep.

Less than two weeks ago, speaking to the Congressional Black Caucus, she said she would like to give every baby born in America $5,000 to be used for education or maybe a new home one day. The critics howled. Her plan would cost $20 billion a year, and she appeared to have no idea how to pay for it. Republicans started beating the drum: Here come the "Tax and Spend Democrats."

Today, she threw out the baby and the bathwater. She's abandoned the idea, and says she never meant it as a policy plan anyway.

Still, what do you think: Was this an honest mistake, a miscalculation, or, as her opponents have suggested, an ill-conceived stab at pandering?

-- Tom Foreman, CNN Correspondent
Posted By CNN: 5:44 PM ET
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Candidates cross lines for Iraq solution
Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Sam Brownback are not getting a lot of headlines with their presidential bids. Their fundraising is weak; poll numbers abysmal. Yet they are the only two candidates actually doing what all the campaigns say needs to be done: They are uniting across party lines to promote a solution in Iraq.

The two men have joined forces to sponsor legislation aimed at stopping the fighting between Iraq's three major ethnic groups. The legislation encourages a "soft" partition of the country, with separate "states" for the Sunni, Shia, and Kurds. It calls for oil revenue sharing. There would still be an overarching national government, but these three segments of Iraq would have a great deal of control over their own police forces, their own security, their daily lives.

The measure is, at least for the moment, enjoying substantial, bipartisan support. What's more, many of the military, political and Middle East analysts I have talked to say this idea could work. It could quiet ethnic tensions, reduce violence, and allow America to consider a reasonable, safe, and relatively quick exit from this war, with most troops home by next summer.

Some Iraqis are wary, however, and say America should not have a say in such a matter anyway. Even backers admit it is not a perfect plan, as it could foreshadow an absolute collapse of the nation, an intense and open civil war.

So when Biden and Brownback stand side-by-side in Iowa later this week to promote this plan, some pundits will call it political desperation. Maybe it is. Raw Politics knows neither Biden nor Brownback is likely to become president.

But give both men this: The war is the number one issue of this campaign, and while the other contenders talk, talk, talk about what they might do if elected, these two are trying to do something now.

-- By Tom Foreman, CNN Correspondent

Editor's note: An earlier version of this post mistakenly referenced Mike Huckabee instead of Sam Brownback.
Posted By CNN: 3:48 PM ET
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Monday, October 08, 2007
Your thoughts on the presidential campaign?
Happy Monday! We've got a full plate tonight, beginning with Senator Hillary Clinton's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Candy Crowley reports from Iowa on whether or not Senator Clinton is unstoppable. Plus Gloria Borger will weigh in from Washington. And, as always, we want to hear from you. Tonight's blog question is:

Have you decided for whom you are going to vote in the 2008 presidential election?

Click on the comments section below to share your thoughts online. We'll also be reading some of your comments during the show. And a reminder, you can always send us a v-mail.

In addition to politics we've got a lot more tonight including: a scandal at Oral Roberts University, tragedy at the Chicago Marathon, and a closer look at the risk of landslides across the United States. Plus: important information about the number of U.S. troops in Iraq. Jamie McIntyre is Keeping Them Honest.

See you tonight at 10p.m. ET.
Posted By CNN: 8:00 PM ET
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Raw Politics: Let's get fiscal
Tom Foreman looks at the GOP presidential candidates' attempt to rebuild their party's image of conservative spending. (Click image at left to play video)
Posted By CNN: 6:14 PM ET
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Friday, October 05, 2007
Are you suspicious of pro athletes?
Thanks for all of your comments in response to last night's question. Tonight we want to know what you think about Marion Jones, the U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist who today admitted to using performance enhancing steroids during the 2000 Olympics and lying to federal investigators during a subsequent investigation. Do you suspect most record-breaking athletes use illegal performance enhancing drugs? Submit your comments below and we'll read some of them during the show. Also tonight: a closer look at drug testing for athletes -- we're Keeping Them Honest. Plus, Marion Jones, in her own words. See you at 10p.m. ET.
Posted By CNN: 9:12 PM ET
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Bearing witness
Filming what's happening inside Myanmar is a dangerous business. If you get caught with a video camera, or even a tape, you would likely be beaten, jailed, or even killed.

There's a group here in New York called Witness that trains human rights workers to use small video cameras to document abuses, and they've been working with an organization called Burma Issues.

What the Burma Issues photographers captured, all of them refugees from Myanmar who returned with cameras, is shocking: streams of ethnic Karen refugees, a long-oppressed minority group, slogging down jungle trails to Thailand, trying to escape the Myanmar army, which has been killing them and destroying their villages for a years.

That video is now available online at, and worth watching if you care about what is happening inside that country. The people who shot it risked their lives for these images of destroyed villages, starving refugees, and forced labor.

Couple that with the firsthand accounts CNN's Matthew Chance got from a group of refugee Buddhist monks on the Thai-Myanmar border who escaped the latest crackdown, and you start to understand just how brutal the military regime is.

-- By Steve Turnham, CNN Producer
Posted By CNN: 4:29 PM ET
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Philly gunning for more control
With more than 300 murders so far this year, Philadelphia has been struggling to contain gun violence.
If I was a Philadelphia resident, I could walk into any gun shop in the city and buy 50, 100, even 1,000 guns, just like that. All they would do is run an instant background check, and assuming my record was clean, I'd walk out with all that firepower.

There's no waiting period, no rules on who I can and can't sell those weapons to. In fact, state law says I don't even have to get a license for the guns or register them.

Could this be contributing to the gun violence in Philadelphia? So far this year, there have been more than 300 murders, and more than 85 percent of them were the result of a firearm, according to the Philadelphia Police Department.

Ray Jones, a community volunteer with the group Men United, blames state lawmakers for not passing tougher gun laws and for keeping cities like Philadelphia from passing their own regulations.

"It's about survival," Jones said. "People are dying in the streets and we need to get help."

The fight over gun laws has turned into a power struggle between the state government and Philadelphia.

Back in 1994, the state legislature overturned an assault weapons ban, making AK-47s as easy to get as hunting rifles. The next year, rules were eased on concealed weapons. Today it's actually against the law in Pennsylvania for a policeman to ask anyone why they want to carry a concealed weapon.

At last check, there are now 29,000 permits to carry concealed weapons in Philadelphia, compared to about 800 applications for permits back in 1995. One law enforcement source told me the state is handing out permits to carry like "candy."

State Senator Vincent Fumo is a gun owner, and he supports the current laws. "People want to think that this is the wild west, and we don't have any laws. What we don't have is enforcement of those laws," he told CNN.

Many here in the city argue that if Philadelphia had "home rule", as it's called, and the city was allowed to pass more stringent gun laws, people would be safer.

"It really would be appropriate for the city to determine its own sort of destiny," Jones told CNN. "Now our hands are sort of handcuffed."

Who do you think has the right to set the ground rules when it comes to guns? The state or the city?

-- Randi Kaye, CNN Correspondent
Posted By CNN: 11:15 AM ET
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Thursday, October 04, 2007
Your thoughts on Phoenix Airport death?
Tonight we want to hear from you. During the program we'll ask a question after our lead story, which right now is the investigation into the death of a woman in police custody at the Phoenix Airport. Today police released, for the first time, an extensive account of the circumstances surrounding the death of Carol Anne Gotbaum, including video of her arrest.

After you see the video, tell us: "Do you think police used excessive force?"

We'll post your responses on the blog, and read a few at the end of the hour.
Posted By CNN: 7:22 PM ET
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Makeshift memorials dot city
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania -- Driving through southwest Philly to the scene of a recent murder, it's impossible to miss the evidence: a makeshift street corner shrine to a murder victim.

We thought we'd found the place we were looking for, but we hadn't. Our corner was four blocks away, another shrine.

That's what it's like here, with piles of stuffed toys, photos of the dead, testimonials scrawled on poster board, every few blocks.

There is hope, but everyone agrees you have to get to the kids while they're young, before the culture and economics of the street suck them in.

At Smokin Joe Frazier's gym in North Philly, we met teenagers, some doing homework, others sparring in the ring, determined to stay off the streets. Boxing, a passion here in Philly, gave them an alternative.

The man most likely to take over as mayor next year, Michael Nutter, told us he intends to get back to the basics of community policing to try to stop the killing. He has a lot of work to do.

-- By Steve Turnham, CNN Producer
Posted By CNN: 2:08 PM ET
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Guatemalan adoption: A troubling tale
CNN Correspondent Harris Whitbeck interviews Guatemalan women who claim their babies were stolen from them.
ANTIGUA, Guatemala -- I was eleven years old when a devastating earthquake decimated much of Guatemala in 1976. My family and I lived in Guatemala City and were fortunate that our recently built house was not damaged.

My parents immediately involved themselves in relief and reconstruction efforts, and one night my mother came home with two babies in her arms. Maria and Francisca were only months old. They had been living in an orphanage that was so badly damaged it had to be evacuated. A call went out to the community for people to take in the children while the home was rebuilt, and my mom responded.

When the two babies arrived at our house, their little heads were infested with lice. They were severely traumatized -- one of them, Francisca, would spend hours rocking back and forth in her crib, refusing anyone's attention. They were terrified of the bathtub my mother used to bathe them.

But Maria and Francisca became the center of attention.

My siblings and I played with them constantly as they became temporary members of the family, and we marveled at how these terrified little creatures came out of their shells and began to laugh and play with us.

More than 30 years later, Maria and Francisca were often in my thoughts as I reported on the current adoption situation in Guatemala. (Read: Guatemala seeks to slow exodus of babies to U.S.)

The story of the Casa Quivira adoption center, the wrenching tales of adoptive parents waiting for their children, birth mothers haltingly explaining why they give their children up is one of the most difficult ones I've ever reported.

As a Guatemalan reporting on my country's adoption industry for a major U.S. news outlet, at times I was ashamed, angered, outraged and saddened.

I was ashamed that my country offers so little hope and opportunity that its young are seen as commodities. I was ashamed that Guatemala is becoming one big baby market -- that adoption in Guatemala has turned, to quote a high-level diplomat in Guatemala City, into such a "nasty business." I was outraged that some who promote the adoption business in the United States use the poverty and misery of millions of Guatemalans as a marketing tool.

I was saddened for the Guatemalan mothers who either have had babies stolen, have been manipulated into selling or giving children up, or forced into doing so because of their dire socio-economic conditions, and saddened too for the potential adoptive families who -- only for wanting to bring a child into their lives and for their altruism -- have in some cases become embroiled in sordid and shady dealings.

There are no easy answers in this story and there are many, many layers to it. When I set out to report it, I did so to attempt to find the truth in what happened at Casa Quivira and the truth behind thousands of Guatemalan babies who have been exported to the United States. (Watch: Guatemalan adoption controversy)

We interviewed everybody who could possibly be involved in the adoptions -- waiting adoptive parents, government officials, state prosecutors, investigators, adoption lawyers, birth mothers, foster parents, midwives, even one of Casa Quivira's owners. The only ones we could not interview, who are, in the end, the most affected by all this, were the babies themselves.

And maybe the ultimate truth in this story lies in the tales they cannot tell now and in the tales they someday will be able to tell of their new lives. Adoption is, after all, more about the future than about the past. And in the end, it is those babies' futures that matter most.

While I do not know what became of babies Maria and Francisca my mom rescued, I do know they were lucky to have survived that earthquake 31 years ago and to have fallen in with good and honorable people who, albeit temporarily, ensured their well-being during desperate times.

I hope those babies currently waiting for adoption in today's Guatemala will also eventually fall in with good and honorable adoptive parents. But it is the process through which some of them might find those parents that troubles me so.

-- By Harris Whitbeck, CNN Correspondent
Posted By CNN: 2:41 PM ET
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