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Rated games for steverand67: (updated nightly) Registered: Oct-2006
Chess rating (?) Chess games won Chess games lost Chess games drawn Total games
89th percentile
167 (50%)142 (42%)28 (8%)337
Total games in progress:13
Last time seen on GK: 10 hours ago
Mini-tournament points:2
Team:International Chess DOGS
Team rating:1350
Timeouts:1 (0.2%)
Other users playing from the same computer: (?)

rltnhrtg (1388)
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Profile / Personal info:
Real name:
 Scuba Steve
 Kansas City, Missouri
 United States
Time zone:
Additional info:
                 Open to challenges from anyone who plays relatively quickly. Always looking to improve, and always looking for a match with a better player. If you'd like to see some amazing chess games, go to bakerbaker's profile and take a look at his annotations.
Unfortunately, it's now the school year, so I won't be able to play my turn as often as usual. Expect about two times a day on weekdays, although I'll probably be able to sneak on a few times during homework. I'm especially busy during the fall, as that's XC season.
The picture is of famous track star Steve PreFontaine. In his prime he was arguably the best runner on the planet.

GameKnot: play chess online, chess games database, chess league, free online chess games, bi-monthly chess tournaments, chess teams, chess clubs, chess puzzles and more.