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Rated games for ganstaman: (updated nightly) Registered: May-2006
Chess rating Chess games won Chess games lost Chess games drawn Total
95th percentile
24 (67%)6 (17%)6 (16%)36
Total games in progress:4
Last time seen online: 12 minutes ago
Mini-tournament points:5
Team rating: 1384
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Profile / Personal info:
Real name:
 New Jersey somewhere
 United States
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Additional info:
                 I'm in med school now, but it keeps me too busy. Well, that's probably better than me getting the degree without actually knowing this information...

I move slowly. I like to take my time to fully appreciate and understand the position and avoid mistakes. But don't worry -- I'll make plenty of mistakes anyway for you. Also, if I'm online here, I could be in the forums, playing blitz, checking out another game, debating two equal moves, just stopping by to take a mental picture of the board for later, etc. Just trying to have a good time, and hope you do too.

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