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Tagged News: blog

Friday, January 18th
Developer Journals

In the first of what could be a few new takes on the developer journal series, Associate Producer Tasos Flambouras goes to a straight Q&A; of questions he selected from his community. This is obviously a week early of the regular bi-weekly timeslot, not that any fans will complain, I am sure.

Community: With the more advanced AI of enemy monsters, how relentless will they be when it comes to pursuit? Will they follow us a set duration of time or distance, would they be smart enough to stop if we ran to a city? Also, along a similar line, if an enemy monster is outnumbered and out matched will it flee to find nearby allies?

Tasos Flambouras: They'll follow you around but they won't follow you forever, they'll return to their area. They will call for help, and they'll also flee when the odds are stacked up against them or if they're damaged. The AI constantly assess the situation and will react accordingly but not in a consistently predictable manner. This is something I have personally never enjoyed in other MMOs that I've played, but it's fun fighting AI in Darkfall.

Read the Q&A; after the click.

Thursday, January 17th

SOE Producer Lorin "DeadMeat" Jameson stopped by the official forums with another Producer Note. In this edition, DeadMeat talks about Chapter 8 and lays out plans for a new way of managing updates:

It has been pretty busy around here lately with the start of the new year and the release of Chapter 8 earlier this week but I have finally had a chance to catch my breath and drop the community a note.  We are all very excited about C8 and the great response we have had so far.  I think the new space content is a very cool addition to the game and we as a team definitely learned a lot in the process.

Read the rest after the click.


SWG System Designer Thomas "Hanse" Eidson checked in with another Dev Diary, this time giving us an inside look at some of the unique challenges the team encountered while building new spaceships for Chapter 8:

The space system introduced with Jump to Lightspeed has been tweaked and fixed in small ways in the last few years. New ships were added to the system later, but the designers who added those ships are no longer with the company and their methods for adding them were not documented. I volunteered to add the new ships as I have fixed space issues previously and had the most experience with the systems involved. Since then, much of the design team has worked on space and many of us are now very knowledgeable of those systems.

Click below to read the rest.

Friday, January 11th
Developer Journals

In the latest Darkfall developer journal, we get a status update from Associate Producer Tasos Flambouras and he promises to chime in with a community driven Q&A; style developer journal next time.

Anyway, since the last journal some people had a few precious days off to go home and spend the holidays with their families. This year we had a very short break, less than we've ever taken, trying to get back to the loads of work waiting for us. We're regrouping now getting back to work on some really awesome new equipment. We've been doing a lot of work around the office setting everything up to run as it should. The new equipment has been helping to speed up the remaining tasks and making our lives a little easier with a lot of things. A sound studio is being set up on-site to help with the final sounds for the game. Also at the moment, we're building a new server cluster.

Read more after the click.

Friday, December 21st
Developer Journals

In the final developer journal of the year, Tasos Flambouras chimes in with answers to a bevy of community questions. Topics include arrow physics, solo-ability, trophies and much more.

We also get three exclusive screenshots of the game that show off an Ork female, Human male and Alfar female respectively all in monster armor. There is an image on each of the three pages of this extensive article.

Ork Female (Exclusive)
Ork Female (Exclusive)

In another post the uniqueness of Darkfall's characters was put into question by one of the posters. We've talked about this many times in the past, and I think that in testing where most of our screenshots are taken from we don't pay so much attention to modifying or dressing up our characters so you end up seeing a lot of the same stuff all the time. We won't implement character creation morphing because we're shooting for performance during massive battles, rather than spending time drawing everyone's uniquely disfigured character. Still...we've done everything possible to give your character variation and uniqueness and your character will definitely stand out in a crowd if you want him/her to. Henning took some quick screenshots with some new facial / hairstyle / equipment variations of characters exclusively wearing armor they looted off of monsters. The female ork is wearing face paint and angra skeleton shoulder pads, beastman bracers, and a servants of Malaut girdle, and revenant greaves. The Alfar female is wearing face paint, zombie shoulder pads, hobgoblin bracers, and Ciel Fey boots. The human male is wearing face paint, black knight shoulder pads, gloves, girdle and boots, and a hobgoblin helmet. That's a tar lake behind the alfar by the way.

Read more after the jump.

Monday, December 10th
Developer Journals

Due to the perils of email file transfer, this article appears on Monday as opposed to its regularly scheduled Friday slot. Nonetheless, Tasos Flambouras gets us up to date on a slew of the latest questions the community has been asking in our regular bi-weekly developer journal.

All this work is making it hard to release more updates than what you get in this journal and even this is a stretch. We made an effort last week and got some screenshots from siege testing and released more later in the week on our website. We'll keep trying to make more frequent updates as time permits. We want to give you videos, and we will, as soon as we can get around to it.

The last journal raised some questions which I think need answers...

Read more after the click and our apologies for the delay.

Tuesday, November 27th
Developer Journals

Stargate Worlds is in development at the appropriately named Cheyenne Mountain. In the first of a series of developer journals here on WarCry, Lead World Builder Josh Kurtz supplies us with insights into cover in combat, a key part of their tactical combat design. He presents the journal in the format of a "question and answer session" with a "Jaffa Interrogator".


Jaffa Interrogator: But then what happens on a PVP server or in a wilderness space where there is PVP?

Josh Kurtz: That's a really good question, I'm glad you asked. Basically what this means for PVP is that you need to be very, very careful when moving through wilderness spaces alone in a PVP space. Can a hidden enemy lay around for hours just waiting for unsuspecting players to wander through an unprotected area so he can blow them away before they find cover ... yes he can, but by the same token a sneaky player can be aware of a wilderness space that looks good for an ambush and sneak around the outskirts looking for the ambusher and then ambush him in turn.

Read more after the click.

Friday, November 23rd
Developer Journals

In today's developer journal, Associate Producer Tasos Flambouras takes us through three big issues he's seen discussed in the community lately: the economy, prestige classes and much more.

Every other Friday, Flambouras presents a developer journal that updates the progress of Darkfall here on WarCry.

imageOn remapable keys: You can absolutely remap everything.

On Invisible hiding: There is no invisibility or stealth skill built into the game. You can be stealthy using actual player skill and using the right equipment and movement, and hide as to not be detected moving in.

On the related issue of having radar: The only radar is one that shows you your own party. No other radar exists in Darkfall. You can add your own map markers and customize your map, and some quest information will add map markers for you.

Read more after the click.

Wednesday, November 14th
Developer Journals

Chapter 7 has launched and now we do our usual post-chapter State of the Game update. Lead Designer Thomas Blair and Producer Jake Neri drop in to pen a complete update on where Star Wars Galaxies sits today and where it's headed.


The Collections system allows players to get three primary kinds of collections: click collections, inventory collections, and kill collections. Click collections involve clicking an object in the world to "collect" it. Inventory collections are something you loot from the corpse of a creature. And kill collections involve killing a specific creature. Each kill collection will have a counter, with some requiring that you kill hundreds of creatures. Even more challenging is when we make collections out of other collections. There are multiple ways to find a collection, and we even built a system so players can track who was the first on each server to finish a collection. . "Server firsts," or the person on each server to finish a collection, are not only tracked on the SWG website, but also in the collection journal interface. Any player can open their journal, mouse over a particular collection, and see who finished it first.

Read more after the jump.

Tuesday, November 13th
Developer Journals

We polish off our behind the curtain look at EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark with the final set of four entries from tradeskills game designer Emily "Domino" Taylor. In the final entries she takes us from Halloween to yesterday, the very eve of the expansion's launch.

A special thanks to Emily for her detailed articles.


Tomorrow's the big day; I was starting to think it would never arrive, but we've made it at last! The Rise of Kunark release, my very first expansion and the fourth expansion for EverQuest II. Of course, I've only seen the other three expansions as a player, not from the development side, but this one seems pretty solid to me and Gallenite has been telling us the same thing. Each day for the past week and a bit he's emailed around a graph showing how many bugs for the expansion are still open for the dev team and for QA, and every day that number has fallen dramatically, until at the start of this weekend we were down to two digits, and by today I imagine there were almost none at all. (Of course, many of the QA queue bugs might not be bugs any longer, just waiting to be tested and signed off.) I know that in my own bug queue there's been very little left for this expansion in the past few days, and mostly pretty minor things like spelling errors or inconsistencies in status reduction amounts in furniture, etc.

Read it all after the jump.