The Run of an Also Ran

With Iowa just three weeks away, the end of indignities is near for third-tier candidates. And not a moment too soon

How the U.S. Caved at Bali

It took a stern lecture, lots of booing and a bureaucrat's breakdown to get the U.S. to sign on

A Real End to Pakistan's Emergency?

Musharraf may have lifted the order, but with elections on the horizon, many of his recent draconian measures endure

'Two Americas' Enough for Edwards?

His "Two Americas" speech catapulted Edwards to political prominence in 2004 and defined his campaign. Will it be enough to win him the nomination this time?

Final Punches in South Africa Brawl

As the ANC gathers to elect its leader, a new round of corruption allegations are leveled against the leading contender, Jacob Zuma

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Swampcast: Advanced Caucus Math

Ana Marie Cox uses some handy paper cutouts to explore the complex calculus of the Iowa voting process



Huckabee's Foreign Policy

He famously has near-zilch foreign policy experience, but his gut reactions in a forthcoming piece in Foreign Affairs are refreshingly independent of the lockstep militarism deployed by the other Republicans running for President.

The Middle East Blog

The Emperor and the Washerwomen

Olmert's excuse that he can't stop construction on a Jewish settlement lacks credibility.

Tuned In

TV Weekend: A Little Something Extra

Once somebody like Ricky Gervais has achieved greatness, anything less than a standing ovation sounds like a backlash. So when I tell people that I like Extras, the usual reaction I get is, "Why don't you like Extras?"


Cartoons of the Week

From the up-for-grabs Iowa primary to the steroid scandal of baseball and Putin's continued reign, a different take on the week's headlines

THE 50 TOP 10 OF 2007

The Sweetest Sports Performances

The 15 laterals, the 756th homer, the Appalachian upset, and more

The Very Best Video Games

The first-person combat fun of Halo 3, five times the fun in The Orange Box, experiencing the wonder of Rock Star, and more

The Most Notable New TV Series

The advertising age of Mad Men, the far-fetched folk comedy of Flight of the Conchords, the startling intimacy of Tell Me You Love Me, and more


I Am Legend

Will Smith used to be able to crack a smile, and to crack up the audience. But once again, says Richard Corliss, he is a solitary warrior in a gulag of gloom


The Huckabee Trap

He may be a new brand of Evangelical, but that alone won't hook him the nomination


Final Punches in South Africa Brawl

As the ANC gathers to elect its leader, a new round of corruption allegations are leveled against the leading contender, Jacob Zuma


Is India Bad for Jaguar?

Opposition has been raised to a possible takeover of two luxury brands by Indian companies. Good business or racism?