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Tagged News: ccp

Friday, May 9th

In celebration of the forthcoming Empyrean Age content addition, EVE Online developers are planning a live blog event on May 15th:

With our upcoming expansion, Empyrean Age, being just around the corner we thought it would only be fitting that the next Live Dev Blog focused on it. Mindstar, our always present host, will be joined by Greyscale from Game Design and t0nyG, author of the upcoming EVE novel, to discuss and answer your questions about Empyrean Age.

To listen in all you have to do is join the in-game channel 'Live Dev Blog' at 20.00 GMT this Thursday, 15 May, and join audio.

If you need help with that GMT conversion for your timezone, CLICK HERE.

Thursday, May 8th

EVE Online has announced its 5th Anniversary Lottery. If you're feeling lucky, here are the details:

BIG Games are perhaps the most well known group within the densely packed lotteries and competition market so it should come as little surprise that they will be celebrating the anniversary in style.

Well known throughout the cluster, BIG are one of the few corporations who have good relations with the main empires, independent factions and mega-corporations.

Log in and check it out. Report back!

Wednesday, May 7th

RPG Vault and EVE developers take a look at the five biggest misconceptions potential players have about the game. They are:

  • Newbies will never stand a fighting chance against old players
  • EVE is only about combat
  • Mining is the only way to earn money as a rookie
  • You can't enjoy the game if you aren't in a major alliance
  • EVE is not meant for casual players

The fleshed out reasons why the above are not true is available at RPG Vault.

Wednesday, April 23rd

MMORPG.com had the chance to discuss EVE's new "Ambulation Project", social environments for players.

As far as I could I see, there wasn't really too much new information about what ambulation would include, but the team seems to be farther along each time I see the presentation, and it has been interesting to watch the evolution of the project thus far. As fans of EVE and non-fans alike may already know, EVE is known for its stunning space visuals, which were highly regarded even before the recent Trinity upgrade which dramatically increased the level of graphical detail. Now their stated goal is to make sure that the characters on the stations are in tune with the level of detail that players have become accustomed to on the outside of the station.

The characters that represent the human avatars of EVE players currently look like stylized caricatures appearing ina 2D image at the bottom of your screen. In the new system, players will have to make new avatars themselves, as making an automated system to do this for players would ultimately be a waste of the developer's time. Why spend all that time making a complicated system that could never do the job as well as an actual human? Besides, with the previously mentioned level of detail that's going into these new avatars, making a new avatar should be fun.

The article has a lot more details about the finer points of avatar creation so head on over.

Thursday, April 10th

A brief announcement was made on the official site today indicating that the Trinity v1.2 patch will be available for players just in time the US tax day of April 15th:

Tranquility will undergo an extended downtime on Tuesday, 15 April. The start time is 1100 GMT and the length of the downtime is expected to be three hours. During this time, a patch will be applied to Trinity consisting of fixes and improvements.

Click through for the extensive patch notes.

Friday, January 18th

For $56 a year or $15 an issue you can own EVE Online's ongoing magazine, entitled "EON." The latest entry is Issue #10 and contains some interesting stuff including a DVD.

In each issue's 80 glossy pages you will find high-colour news, interviews, previews, exclusive fiction, player guides and much more besides, all of it professionally written and produced by a dedicated team of writers and designers from within the EVE community and beyond.

For details on Issue #10 click here.

Thursday, January 17th

For $56 a year or $15 an issue you can own EVE Online's ongoing magazine, entitled "EON." The latest entry is Issue #10 and contains some interesting stuff including a DVD.

In each issue's 80 glossy pages you will find high-colour news, interviews, previews, exclusive fiction, player guides and much more besides, all of it professionally written and produced by a dedicated team of writers and designers from within the EVE community and beyond.

For details on Issue #10 click here.

Wednesday, December 12th

Despite all the bad PR from the fiasco involving the Trinity expansion, EVE Online is still pushing stronger than ever! CCP has just announced that EVE Online has broken another simultaneous user record of 41,690 users! CCP could definitely use the good press and it certainly proves that OS destruction aside the game is running strong. Makes you wonder if the number would have been higher if the people who had their OSes screwed up were able to play.

Get the full story here.

Tuesday, December 11th

Despite all the bad PR from the latest CCP fiasco involving the Trinity expansion , EVE Online is still pushing stronger than ever! CCP has just announced that EVE Online has broken another simultaneous user record of 41,690 users! CCP could definitely use the good press and it certainly proves that OS destruction aside the game is running strong. Makes you wonder if the number would have been higher if the people who had their OSes screwed up were able to play.

Get the full story here.


Is your Windows XP rig toasted due to the EVE Online Trinity fiasco? CCP Games is trying to do the responsible thing and provide step by step instructions on how to revert the damage and restore your system.

Details on how to restore your PC to normal are located here.