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Tagged News: images

Wednesday, January 9th

You have to give Flying Lab Software credit for their dusk shots in Pirates of the Burning Sea. These two images show ships in the purple hue of the day's end.


Comments welcome!

Thursday, December 27th

The latest batch of exclusive images from Flying Lab Software's Pirates of the Burning Sea are here. This time we get a shot of a female pirate in a sticky situation with some English soldiers and a ship as it sails away from a scenic island out to sea.


Comments, as always, are welcome.

Friday, December 21st

Today we have a brand new pair of screenshots as we resumes the bi-weekly Age of Conan screenshot series. This time we have an image of a character and a demon, as well as a shot from character creation that shows just how broken a nose can be.


Comments are welcome!

Tuesday, December 18th

Jumpgate Evolution is a new MMORPG based off the classic Jumpgate MMO from NetDevil. The original game shows its age, but confident in the design, NetDevil has decided to rebuild and expand it into a modern MMO. Today we have three screenshots of a Solrain Fighter.



Friday, December 14th

WarCry recently attended an event in San Francisco held by Eidos and Funcom. There we played Age of Conan and came back with a trove of art assets. Some of these are new, some not so much, but we have it all here for you today.

Here is a sample:


On top of this, we have the following galleries for you to explore:Enjoy!

Thursday, December 13th

This week's images show off a very important sword fight and an image that clearly is part of one of those interactive world elements they've discussed. At AGDC, the FLS team told a story about a monkey who could be convinced to throw a tomato at a guy in the stocks. Man in stocks? Check. Monkey? Check. Tomatoes? Check.


Comments welcome!

Monday, December 3rd

NCsoft has released 16 new images of Aion and while gorgeous as always, mark the first time that the title looked like a video game that might run on someone's computer, rather than a 3D movie rendered at 2 frames per second. While it's a shame to see the absurd visuals of the past become more plausible, it's good to see it continues to look good, despite the dose of realism.

For all 16, click below.


Two new WotLK screens have popped up over at the EU WotLK site showing us more of the unique town architecture and some awesome looking environmental effects:


For more info, check out WoW WarCry.

Thursday, November 29th

This week we get two images of characters in distress. In the first, a pirate stops to wave at a guy hanging in a cage, in the second, someone appears to have gotten too far into the cask of rum and is being carried off.



Tuesday, November 27th

While the systems are still down, take a look at the exclusive image Turbine sent to us for the November event, Children of the Prodigal Lord:


Altered Lugians can never be a good thing!