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Tagged News: cheyenne mountain

Tuesday, November 27th
Developer Journals

Stargate Worlds is in development at the appropriately named Cheyenne Mountain. In the first of a series of developer journals here on WarCry, Lead World Builder Josh Kurtz supplies us with insights into cover in combat, a key part of their tactical combat design. He presents the journal in the format of a "question and answer session" with a "Jaffa Interrogator".


Jaffa Interrogator: But then what happens on a PVP server or in a wilderness space where there is PVP?

Josh Kurtz: That's a really good question, I'm glad you asked. Basically what this means for PVP is that you need to be very, very careful when moving through wilderness spaces alone in a PVP space. Can a hidden enemy lay around for hours just waiting for unsuspecting players to wander through an unprotected area so he can blow them away before they find cover ... yes he can, but by the same token a sneaky player can be aware of a wilderness space that looks good for an ambush and sneak around the outskirts looking for the ambusher and then ambush him in turn.

Read more after the click.

Tuesday, October 30th

While at E for All Warcry had the chance to sit down with Kevin Balentine of Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, to talk about Stargate Worlds (SGW). Stargate Worlds is Cheyenne's upcoming Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), based on the Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis TV series. With a huge fan base and a great show providing continuous content, we are getting excited to see where this Stargate takes us.


Warcry: Everyone is very happy with the team's decision to allow other playable races beyond humans. What can you tell us about some of the changes to the races that we might not have seen in the series?

Kevin Balentine: Those familiar with the series will know the Goa'uld. The Goa'uld are these parasites that enter into a host, have godlike tendencies, and even godlike powers. If you watched the series you know that late in season 9 there was an episode called Strong Hold where Baal is talking to Teal'c. Baal is on a tangent were he believes that the Goa'uld need to rethink the whole god portrayal. The Goa'uld of Stargate Worlds have followed this line of thinking. They are still megalomaniacs, and lust for power; they have just stopped pretending to be gods.

Read more after the click.


Today, to go with our interview, we have two exclusive screenshots of Stargate Worlds. One shows off Agos, while the other gives us a Jaffa Tent. Every month, we will bring more exclusive screenshots of the game to you here on WarCry.


Comments are welcome on the forums!

Tuesday, October 16th

Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment posted today on the official Stargate Worlds site announcing the arrival of new members of the development team. The new hires include engineers, world builders and office staff:

StargateWorlds.com welcomes senior engineer Joshua Rowan, world builder Brandi Alotto, receptionist Carrera Livingston and world builder Michael Bermann to the Cheyenne Mountain team!

I just got here from Atlanta. It's a bit hotter and a lot drier here. I used work on video slot machines, and I'm excited to be working on a real game now. I'll be working on the client, getting it ready to go. In my off time I enjoy playing video games, reading, and sleeping!
- Joshua Rowan, Senior Engineer

Read the rest after the jump!

Wednesday, October 3rd

Cheyenne Mountain's Stargate Worlds has been in development for some time, but more and more we begin to get some peeps out of them. Today, WarCry gets a taste, as we show off two exclusive images from the game.


We'd love to hear your comments.

Monday, September 10th

Stargate Worlds is on the verge of breaking out and flaunting its features and screenshots to the world. At AGDC 2007, we got the first trickle of the coming flow from Kevin Balentine of Cheyenne Mountain.

Now only roughly one year away from its intended launch in Q4 of 2008, the team is excited to finally get talking. So far, they've only released a handful of screenshots of some small areas. Expect that to change in a big way over the coming months.

The game has six factions players can play as. The "good guys" are the Stargate Teams (SGC), the Free Jaffa and the Asgard. The "bad guys" are the Op-Core, the Loyal Jaffa and the Goa'uld. Most of these names are familiar to fans of the shows, but the Op-core are a new invention for the game, developed in close consultation with the show's writers.

Read more after the click.

Monday, February 26th
Network Announcements

The WarCry site lineup keeps growing. Today we are happy to present Stargate Worlds on WarCry and Age of Conan on WarCry. These two new sites will cover both games as they move towards their respective launch dates.

Age of Conan is a mature MMORPG set in Robert E. Howard's epic pre-historic universe. On the PC and Xbox 360 players can fight their enemies, remove their limbs and fight from horseback. Fully DX10 compatible, this is perhaps one of the most visually impressive games in development. It is due out this fall. Check Age of Conan on WarCry often for more information as we develop a community around this exciting project.

Stargate Worlds from Cheyenne Mountain is developed by a new company full of MMO-industry veterans. David "Zeb" Cook of pen-and-paper and City of Heroes fame helps design this adaptation of the famous TV series Stargate SG-1. Future expansions will include Stargate Atlantis and other Stargate properties. The game uses the Unreal 3 engine and is still in early development. No publisher or release date is yet available. Check Stargate Worlds on WarCry often for screenshots, interviews, the latest news and constantly updated content.

Friday, February 23rd

An interesting press release from SOE today released a fact sheet for a Stargate Online Trading Card Game. It got me thinking. Obviously, this means nothing in and of itself, but given SOE clearly has the license to do a trading card game in this universe, it makes one wonder what the relationship between SOE and Cheyenne Mountain is?

Currently, Stargate Worlds - the MMO - is in production at the independent Arizona-based developer and has not yet announced any publishing plans. Given the way SOE snaps up MMOs, I wouldn't be shocked if there's more to this press release than meets the eye. Kevin Balentine, the Public Relations Manager for Cheyenne Mountain, responded to our theory.

"We were excited to hear about the Stargate TCG and its online counterpart coming from SOE," Balentine told WarCry. "Seeing the franchise move into new gaming mediums highlights its continued popularity. We wish Sony great success in this endeavor.

"We're continuing to move discussions forward with a number of very prominent publishers, but we don't have anything specific to report on this at the moment," he added.

Interesting indeed! Click the link below for info on the TCG.

Tuesday, January 9th

Cheyenne Mountain Senior Producer Dan Elggren sits down to answer some questions about Stargate Worlds in this exclusive interview. Announced a few months ago, SGW places players in a world drawn from the famous TV franchises Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.

WarCry Network: Every developer I've ever spoke to who tried to do guns with RPG mechanics said the task was a nightmare. How are you going to get guns to feel right in your RPG?

Dan Elggren: Stargate Worlds is not a first person shooter. We want combat to be fast and deadly, but not to the point of one-shot kills. Like the show, we are making combat in Stargate Worlds exciting and filled with constant action. We are tailoring the mechanics of our system to bring this to life within the game.

There is no doubt that it's a challenge for our team, but we are confident that we will do it right.

Click here to read the full interview.

Wednesday, December 31st

Hello, all I have some great news. We over at the Stargate Worlds on WarCry have some special guests that have been stopping by to lend their help and support to the site.

I would like to introduce:

  • Scepter, the Community Manager for Stargate Worlds.
  • Bunter, Community Assistant for Stargate Worlds.

This is really exciting for us here to have these guys available. All you need to do to be is to post your question in the "Ask Cheyenne Mountain" forum and the Community guys will get you a answer or the staff of WarCry will.