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Tagged News: stargate

Tuesday, November 27th
Developer Journals

Stargate Worlds is in development at the appropriately named Cheyenne Mountain. In the first of a series of developer journals here on WarCry, Lead World Builder Josh Kurtz supplies us with insights into cover in combat, a key part of their tactical combat design. He presents the journal in the format of a "question and answer session" with a "Jaffa Interrogator".


Jaffa Interrogator: But then what happens on a PVP server or in a wilderness space where there is PVP?

Josh Kurtz: That's a really good question, I'm glad you asked. Basically what this means for PVP is that you need to be very, very careful when moving through wilderness spaces alone in a PVP space. Can a hidden enemy lay around for hours just waiting for unsuspecting players to wander through an unprotected area so he can blow them away before they find cover ... yes he can, but by the same token a sneaky player can be aware of a wilderness space that looks good for an ambush and sneak around the outskirts looking for the ambusher and then ambush him in turn.

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Wednesday, July 18th

Cheyenne Mountain isn't the only one with a Stargate online PC game. Sony Online Entertainment brought their Stargate trading card game to E3 and showed us what it's all about during our visit to their hotel suite. Find out what it's all about:

Currently, the game features 30 unique character cards, which is to say cards that feature people like Daniel Jackson, and over 300 total cards. Each of them is also available in a special foil version. They're also all fully available as digital or physical cards, either purchased through the game or in stores around the world.

While there is no direct link between the physical cards and their online counterparts (you cannot buy a booster pack at your local hobby shop and activate its online equivalent), there are mechanisms where players can redeem a complete set of digital cards for the corresponding physical counterparts. Besides that, the two games operate relatively independently.

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