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Tagged News: tour

Friday, January 25th

You've read it in words, now see it in video as we are lead through the Funcom offices to show off developers and staff busy at work on 'Age of Conan', plus a glimpse of a dungeon raid and Necromancer play in action.

Here's a sneak peak:


Enter the article to view all the videos.

Wednesday, June 27th

NetDevil announced today the company completed moving into their new office facility in Louisville which sports almost 30,000 sq ft which includes a sound studio, testing facility and even a LEGO model shop!

NetDevil has completed the move to its new Louisville facility. In addition to tripling the available space from 10,000 sq ft to 30,000 sq ft, the new office includes a sound studio, a user testing facility, and a LEGO model shop - along with over four tons of LEGO for use in asset development! Click read more to see pictures of the new space. Our artists and staff will be using their creative talents to bring the studio to life in days to come, so keep an eye on this space!

Read more for all the screenshots!

Wednesday, February 14th

EA Mythic has put out a press release that outlines their exhibition plans for 2007. The game is doing a tour of North American, starting in New York City and will be available for players to play at each of these events. People also get a chance to get into beta through the program.

Click below to find out more.

Monday, February 5th

Keith Parkinson, the celebrated fantasy artist responsible for the original cover designs for EverQuest, will have his work shown in a five city tour starting this month. Parkinson passed away in October of 2005, while serving as the Art Director for Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.

WarCry saw this kick off at a party in San Francisco last week and will bring you a feature article on Keith and his art in the coming weeks.

Click on for the press release.