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Tagged News: devchat

Thursday, January 24th
Dev Chat Log

You totally missed it and we hate you for that. Next time, we're not even going to save a piece of the cake for you. Meanie. We don't hold a grudge, though, so be sure to click Read More for the full chat log! Here's a mere taste:

WarCry: Orladen: Will we ever see the costline in the areas we currently have to explore,?
Scenario: Our next new region, currently slated for a Book 13 release, will allow players to see the ocean for the very first time. The time for speculation is now!


Thursday, July 5th

A few weeks ago, Aether, Rhaegar, and Taelorn hosted a developer chat with some large guilds. The aim was to broaden their horizons, and hopefully bring in more guilds to the Pirates of the Burning Sea scene. A lot of questions were asked, and there is a lot of great information within the logs. I managed to sneak into the chat towards the end, and the Flying Lab Software staff let me watch the last half or so of the chat. This log file contains questions from the entire chat, unlike my logs, which only has the last half or so. You can find the entire chat log here.

Do you have something to say? Click the comment button, and tell us!

Tuesday, June 26th
Dev Chat Log

Today, there was a developer chat held on irc.coldfront.net. There were many Flying Lab Software employees in attendance, and even more fans. The channel size was just a bit under 250 people. There were a lot of questions, lots of answers, and plenty of fun in between. Because of the sheer amount of text that transpired between the beginning and end of this 90 minute chat, the logs have been trimmed down to just the questions and answers.

If you would like to view the developer chat logs, click the "Read More" button right below this message. Enjoy!