Tagged News: potbs

Friday, August 29th
PAX 2008

John "Can't Fake the" Funk reports from the show floor at PAX 2008.

Thursday, August 21st

Yarr, mateys! The Pirates of the Burning Sea devs have an event planned for Friday that you won't want to miss. Titled "Sink the Devs", it will take place on the testbed server and...

Thursday, June 19th

Pirates of the Burning Sea servers will undergo regular maintenance on a weekly basis at least in the short haul. Check the downtimes by clicking below.


Pirates of the Burning Sea, Sony Online and Flying Labs have big plans in mind for marketing PotBS now that it's crossed the mythical six month longevity mark. See what they have in store for players and potential players by clicking below.

Friday, June 6th

One of the bigger parts of the upcoming v1.5 patch in Pirates of the Burning Sea is an overhaul of the User Interface. Devs have released a preview article and several screens that can be seen by clicking below.

Thursday, May 1st

PotBS devs have posted the second in an ongoing six-part series of articles discussing changes to be implemented in patch v1.4. Focusing on naval officers this time around, here's what will be forthcoming:

Welcome to the second of six devlogs about the 1.4 skill revamp. If you havent already seen the first devlog, you may want to read about some of the general changes here. Keep in mind that the details contained here are subject to change based on feedback and ongoing internal testing, and the final result will almost certainly differ from this devlog.

Removing all of the tiered skills has major ramifications for Navy because they have so many in 1.3. All of these skills are going the way of the dodo: Requisition Berth, Defender 1, Desperate Shot 1, For God & Country 1, Perfect Discipline, Fortress 1, Thundering Broadside 1, Speed Increase 1, Reload Discipline 1 and Military Intelligence 1.

Check out the rest after the jump.

Wednesday, April 30th

Underdog Tools have been adjusted via the latest patch. Devs have posted an explanation of changes and reasons behind those changes.

This is a quick devlog about the current state of the underdog tools and how they've changed with today's patch. Due to how we control these tools, this is a new part of the 1.3 release. Although it's short, we're using a devlog to hit as wide of an audience as possible.

With character transfers live, we've condensed our population down to fewer servers. This drastically changed the landscape on many of those servers, effectively nullifying a portion of the server's conquest history. As a result, the underdog tools are no longer an appropriate representation of the situation on a given server. They're also less important when there's a critical mass of players on a server, because they do not have to overcome the same hurdles.

Check out the rest after the jump.

Monday, April 14th

Flying Lab Software has announced a plan to merge some of the live servers for Pirates of the Burning Sea together to increase player population density in their sea-faring MMOG.

For the full announcement, click on!

Friday, April 11th

Pirates of the Burning Sea devs took a chance to show off some of the upcoming improvements to the user interface scheduled to make their appearance in patch v1.3.


Exchange Shops and Selling Personal Loot

You've probably read the devlogs by Kevin and Anna about the new exchange shops. They pretty much covered why adding these shops was so important, so I'll cut to the pictures.

You can see which NPCs exchange items by the floating loot chest above their heads. For example, this lovely lady in the British Admiralty Office in Port Royal will exchange Marks of Victory (MoV) for all sorts of rewards...

Click through to read the rest and see the new merchant UI.

Wednesday, April 9th

It's tonight! Flying Lab Software live on our IRC servers to talk about Pirates of the Burning Sea. For four lucky fans, some time cards await in a random draw, and one will get a t-shirt. So stop in at 8:00pm EST to talk to the developers. Here are the details:

When: 04/09/2008 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific (Wednesday)

Where: irc.chatspike.net 6667 in #WarCouncil
General chat will be available in #warcry

Who: The following Flying Lab developers will be on hand.

  • Russell Williams (FLS CEO)
  • Kevin Maginn (Lead Game Designer)
  • Joe Ludwig (Producer)
  • David Hunt (Game Designer)
  • Drew Clowery (Game Designer)
  • Troy Hewitt (Director of Community Relations)
  • Tom Atkinson-Edwards (Community Specialist)
Need a way in? No problem just use our Java Client , Chatspike's IRC Client or an mIRC Client.

We look forward to seeing you there!