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Themed Chess Sets -- Special Sets for Playing Chess

If you think that all chess sets have little horses for the Knights, miniature towers for the Rooks, and a King bearing a crown with a cross, then you're missing a fascinating aspect of the royal game. Chess sets with historical, animal, and sports themes have uses beyond the more traditional Staunton chess sets. Along with their use for an occasional game of chess, theme sets are often displayed in the home or study for decorative or artistic purposes.
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Introduction to Theme Chess Sets
Chess pieces are miniature statues, where each one can be a separate work of art. Along with their use for an occasional game of chess, theme chess sets can be displayed in the home or study for decorative or artistic purposes.
Animal Theme Chess Sets
Imagine a game of chess with a set featuring cats versus dogs. Who gets the White pieces? Do the dogs always win?
Children's Theme Chess Sets
Chess sets for children feature cartoon characters, movie characters, book characters, and at least one well known soft drink. They are for children of all ages! (Almost all ages : please be sure that the youngest children know not to put the pieces in their mouths.)
Historical Theme Chess Sets
Chess is a war game and it follows that many specialty sets depict famous battles. Chess sets can also be used to symbolize less warlike situations where political adversaries fight over competing agendas.
Sport Theme Chess Sets
You often hear chess used to describe more physical contests -- 'the Monday night football game was a real chess match' -- when a game involves lots of strategy and oneupmanship. Chess sets are also used to depict long-standing sports rivalries, like the Mets vs. the Yankees.
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