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    Back from Iraq

    Camaraderie is in short supply between today's soldiers and older vets.

    By Nina Shapiro
  • Village Voice
    Scientology 's Celebrity Defector

    TV star Jason Beghe reveals secrets of the controversial church.

    By Tony Ortega
  • The Pitch
    Spirited Away

    Can't get a Catholic exorcism in Kansas City? James Vivian is here to help.

    By Peter Rugg
  • Riverfront Times
    Line Up, Tough Guys

    Here's an idea: Let felons become bail bondsmen.

    By Keegan Hamilton

In 1846, hard-drinking, red-eyed wildman Ezekiel "Stuttering Zeke" Merritt helped roust a few neighbors from their settlements in the upper Sacramento River Valley. They marched to the Bay Area and declared themselves leaders of a California independent republic. The Bear Flag Revolt may have seemed to be the work of grandiose-minded scofflaws, but it challenged the territorial claims of Mexico, paving the way for the United States to seize the Pacific Coast and forever shift the balance of America's cultural, economic, and political might thousands of miles west.

In Jan. 1967, a group of barefoot college-age kids, some of them smelly, cemented their rejection of everything selfish and commercial at a 20,000-person Human Be-In at Golden Gate Park. Local wags dismissed them as irrelevant and worse. Decades later, however, conversations about American political culture in the second half of the 20th century pivot on whether the Diggers and affiliated groups were prescient or foolish.

And so it was, that no sooner did political maverick Matt Gonzalez declare himself Ralph Nader's running mate for president, than the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board's Opinion Shop blog declared him a self-promoter along for the ride in a "self-defeating and backwards campaign."

Nader's newest accomplice was a "brooding, far-left running mate who couldn't get elected mayor of San Francisco," the Chronicle said the next day on its editorial page.

A local left-wing political pamphlet jumped aboard, describing the Nader-Gonzalez ticket as ego-driven and Gonzalez' criticism of Barack Obama as "bullshit." On Monday, I received a political spam e-mail titled "Run Amok Matt Gonzalez." A few minutes later I received another one, "Matt's Checkerboard History with African American Politicos," that suggested, preposterously, that Gonzalez is racist for having criticized some of Obama's Senate votes in advance of the Nader announcement.

While I enjoy a squirmy dogpile as much as the next columnist, I've no yen to join the mound of hysterical people exercised about Gonzalez' new role. The former supervisor has merely committed to spending a few months attending events at college campuses, promoting his pet cause of electoral reform as a warm-up act to Nader's longtime stage shtick about the untoward power of corporations.

At root of the outsize outrage over what amounts to a minor speaking tour is the umbrage Democrats took in 2000 over those who voted for Ralph Nader. I indulged in this worthy scapegoating, too, because it was easier and more satisfying to denounce Nader-voting friends and family than to engage the actual Republicans who elected George W. Bush.

That anger is misplaced in 2008. The likelihood that Nader-Gonzalez could undermine the Democrats is doubtful: Florida 2000 was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and Nader enjoys far less currency now. What's more, like the stunts pulled by Merritt and the Diggers, Gonzalez' futile-seeming move has a real upside. He says he'd like to use his new platform to prevent independent candidates from ever again undermining Democratic chances at victory. I figured SF Weekly readers ought to hear what he had in mind before we blow our collective tops.

Last Sunday, I met with Gonzalez at a Lower Haight coffee shop. His hair has grayed since he nearly won the mayor's race in 2003. The supposed brooding described by his detractors seems merely to consist of longer-than-usual pauses for listening and thinking during conversation. Unlike the supposed loony depicted in last week's local news coverage, Gonzalez proffered no illusions that he was likely to become vice president. He said he sees his candidacy as a chance to speak around the country about how election laws might be changed to eliminate the very concept of spoiler candidates.

Though Gonzalez ran for mayor as a Green Party candidate, Nader and Gonzalez are running as independents; the Green Party will choose a presidential candidate this summer. Gonzalez said he accepted Nader's invitation to run as a way to help advance the consumer advocate's message about the excessive power of corporations. Nader wants to aggressively prosecute corporate crime, limit subsidies to corporations, stop corporations from lobbying and from contributing to political campaigns, strengthen citizens' abilities to sue corporations, and otherwise limit the constitutional rights granted to companies.

"We know he's right," Gonzalez said of Nader. "And if we don't run, the major candidates are going to proceed as if there are no major problems to fix in this country. I felt that if I joined Nader, at least I could bring credibility by talking about work I've done on electoral reform."

While Gonzalez was president of the Board of Supervisors during the early 2000s, he backed the system of so-called instant-runoff voting, now used in San Francisco, whereby voters rank their second- and third-choice candidates. If no candidate receives a majority vote, the candidate with the least number of first-place votes is out of the running. Second-place choices are then redistributed among the remaining candidates; more are eliminated until one candidate receives more than 50 percent of the vote. In this way, independents can run for office without being shouted down as egotistical party poopers. And voters needn't fret about "wasting" a ballot on a long-shot candidate, because their votes won't cancel out a more practical-seeming, second-choice alternative.

Gonzalez was portrayed in the local press last week as a dreamy extremist, but he's no flake: He's a political pro who in 2003 won 47 percent of the vote, though he was outspent five to one. Despite being courted by political insiders last year, he decided not to run again because a cool examination of polling data and shifts in the electorate didn't portend a win.

Other critics of Gonzalez' candidacy have denounced what they depict as his head-in-the-clouds act of symbolism. What's needed, they say, is hardheaded activism to make sure our next president is not like George W. Bush. Still others have been outraged at a widely distributed essay Gonzalez recently wrote, "The Obama Craze," in which he criticized the Democratic frontrunner for supporting tort reform and for his less-than-wholehearted opposition to the war in Iraq.

If Gonzalez has joined a futile attempt to distract from a presidential run, he has also captured a national cultural moment of fascination with gestural rather than practical politics. This dichotomy is at the root of the debate over Hillary Clinton's practical "deeds" versus the presumed emotional significance of Barack Obama's "words." It's amusing to hear Obama supporters now say they're opposed to distracting stunts.

Case in point: the now-famous video produced by the singer, in which celebrities pantomimed an Obama speech delivered after the New Hampshire primary with the refrain, "Yes we can." The black-and-white video was a beautiful pastiche of swaying movie, sports, and rock stars, produced by Bob Dylan's video-grapher son, Jesse.

The actual Jan. 8 speech the video was edited from, however, was a banal mélange of pandering messages that included an impassioned hat-tip to recipients of ethanol subsidies, one of the most wasteful and destructive bits of pork-barrel spending in all of government.

In that context, Gonzalez is no wild-eyed irrelevancy. Rather, he's a clever politician who has also pulled off a neat trick: He has hitched himself to the coattails of a famous spoiler to preach a type of electoral reform designed to make his breed less irksome.

"If I were striving to make myself more popular in San Francisco, I wouldn't do this," Gonzalez acknowledged. "But if it's to see electoral reform discussed on a national level, I'm happy to do it."

Write Your Comment show comments (9)
  1. The Gonzalez run proves that there is another generation of progressives ready to lead us away from the backbiting,self-hatred and rationalizations of the left -sold out by the Democratic Party again,and again and again.Nader's guts and his refusal to water down public policy positions long abandoned by yesterday's liberals makes him a target for abuse.Who will be the next Ralph Nader? Perhaps, Mr. Gonzalez.

  2. Ralph Nader delivered the presidency to George Bush in 2000, then sneered at anyone who dared to point that out. Now this little tin Jesus wants to help out McCain. Well, McCain may win, but it won't be through Ralph's efforts. He got .3 percent of the vote in 2004, and he will get less this time. His Royal Smugness is going nowhere.

  3. TALK ABOUT A SMOKING ANTI-GUN! Friends and supporters of former Green Party mayoral candidate Matt Gonzalez use dirty tricks and corporate-style high jinks on Wikipedia to abuse independent artists, advance personal notability and further own political agenda and views. Investigation of edit history and contributions reveal bad faith. Documentary to follow (how's that for a B-movie, Griot? Or should I say Matt?).

  4. This is a comment not a letter to the editor.

    Few Greens would argue that a candidacy should be precluded because it might take votes away from another candidacy. Nor would many Greens take issue with Gonzalez' substantive policy criticisms of Obama.

    Most concerns about Gonzalez/Nader coming from the Green Party have to do with the unintended consequences related to such a run, a campaign which will not have the resources to make it out of court fighting for ballot access or to mount the kind of media campaign capable of framing the debate in favorable terms. If you want to change ballot access and election law, then the place to do that is in the state legislatures and the way to do that is by electing Greens to such "ground floor" partisan offices. Towards that, Gonzalez would have done better to have run against Ammiano in AD13 than for Vice President with Ralph Nader.

    The narcissism here has to do with the fact that two individuals feel that the world desperately needs for them to speak before people on issues that they care about and that they do not feel any need to take personal responsibility for the negative consequences of their actions on others.

    My read is that Nader 2000, while it seemed a good idea at the time was a strategic mistake for the Greens. That campaign raised the profile of the Green Party to the extent that it caught the attentions of the dwindling residue of the sectarian left. And as Nader abandoned the field as the election was being stolen, the Democrats and the media successfully framed the Greens as spoilers, a framing which continues to be the accepted history today.

    Similar to the statement attributed to Zhou Enlai, who, when asked in the 1950s about the consequences of the French Revolution said "It is too early to tell," the consequences of Nader 2000 have yet to be assessed by the Green Party. And that is not for lack of trying, as the "fundis" in the party who do little or no grassroots organizing erupt in ultra leftist fervor whenever a high profile campaign comes along and deride those not in that fan club as being shills of the Democrats.

    At some point, the currency gets devalued when the same candidates run perennially whether they be Ralph Nader or Barry Hermanson. Ralph at this point looks like death warmed over. In a recent KQED interview, Nader admitted that his ideas lack popular support but insisted that they be implemented anyway. How does that square with democratic theory?

    To be honest, Matt's 2003 campaign did as well as it did because the internal controls were so poor and the paid staff were generally incompetent to stop people from taking constructive initiatives. The paid staff generally were an impediment to progress (there were some notable exceptions) while the volunteers, thousands of them, were a force unstoppable even by a largely clueless paid staff and campaign leadership.

    In the intervening four years, Gonzalez managed to piss away the political capital that thousands invested in him for nothing in return. Last year, Gonzalez tried from spring until the filing deadline to raise an army to challenge Newsom long before Chris Daly's progressive convention. Unable to do so, Gonzalez did what he does so well, turn around and walk away in the middle of a conversation.

    As Matt likes to say, Nader's ideas are better (that turns out to be a line lifted from the film "Primary Colors") but if they can't put together the campaign package to convince people of that and get them to the polls, then there is no point in running if all that will come out of it is more preaching to the faithful.

    And this year, the Obamamania cannot be ignored by Greens and independents. Whether or not folks are putting all of their hopes into one fragile little basket, an empty vessel who seems to say exactly what you want to hear, there is a tsunami coming our way and we can either stand on the beach transfixed by the wave under the misapprehension that we might stop it or we can get up on the ridge and watch the inundation.

    Gonzalez practiced zen politics while in office. Unfortunately, Matt is now all yang and no yin.


  5. Comment #3 left by user Griot, banned from Wikipedia, subject of "Wikipedia Idiots." Yawn.

  6. How DARE two progressive candidates HONOR the U.S. Constitution and run! Who do they think they ARE? Nader/Gonzolez, as citizens of the U.S., actually believe have a RIGHT, nay, a DUTY to challenge heavyweight Democrat and Republican entities in a supposed people-run democracy? The NERVE!

    I think I'll vote for them.

  7. clowns... these guys show up to a knife fight with tennis rackets.
    so-called progressives talk & dither about election reform all the while neo-cons run rough over the rest of us & the world.
    do us a favor & go back to teaching & let the people affected by McBUSH continue to fight.
    get on the bus or get out the way.

    FRISCO not portland

  8. Matt Gonzalez is a zero, but the upside is he will now forever be "Former Vice Presidential Candidate" instead of "guy who quit on the city of san francisco when he couldn't beat Gavin Newsom. Way to go Matt!

  9. Both Matt Gonzalez and Ralph Nader have impressed me with their intelligence and dedication. They actually believe in what they are running for, rather than wavering on issues according to the latest poll.

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