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Jonathan Yegge, a 24-year-old scholar at the San Francisco Art Institute, is angry, anxious, resentful.

"If I have to not have sex on campus anymore, they'd better put that in the student handbook, and then we can decide whether that's an appropriate rule or not," says Yegge. "I mean, I'm on probation, and I can't have sex on campus, and anyone else can."

Yegge's plight, his mood, and his outlook are a small -- no, minuscule -- portion of the aftermath of a performance art piece he crafted three weeks ago for an art class in the school's New Genres department, led by sometimes-controversial professor Tony Labat.

Yegge asked for a volunteer from the class, got one, then took the young man aside into an empty room. Yegge handed the soon-to-be subject of his artwork a makeshift contract stating that the volunteer was agreeing to participate in a performance piece containing acts "including and up to a sexual or violent nature." The volunteer signed the contract.

Yegge led the volunteer out into a campus public area, in front of Labat's class and anyone else who happened by, and then ... well, maybe it's best to let Yegge explain.

"He was tied up. He had a blindfold and a gag, but he could see and talk through it. He had freedom of movement of his pelvis," Yegge says, by way of defending his piece. "I engaged in oral sex with him and he engaged in oral sex with me. I had given him an enema, and I had taken a shit and stuffed it in his ass. That goes on, he shits all over me, I shit in him. There was a security guard present. There was an instructor from the school present. It was videoed, and the piece was over."

But the piece wasn't over, really. In the world of performance art, a work may leave no physical artifact on the earth, so the audience is its canvas. During the days and weeks after Yegge's performance ended, his work has left brush strokes all over the small S.F. art world.

Not long after the piece was finished, the volunteer developed misgivings about what had happened to him.

"He was pissed off, as he should be," says Ryan Castaneda, a friend of the volunteer (whose name SF Weekly is not printing for obvious reasons). "He felt he was being violated. He just didn't think this was cool."

The volunteer complained. The school administration called Yegge in, put him on academic probation, and instituted the Yegge-specific no public sex on campus rule.

Administration officials held lengthy meetings with Yegge's instructor, Labat. Discussions focused on the dangerous nature of exchanging bodily fluids for art's sake. Implicit was the litigiously dangerous nature of allowing this to go on in a supervised classroom.

The volunteer's mother was rumored to be a judge, and it was feared the student might sue. The volunteer, contacted through friends, did not want to comment for this story. But students at the Art Institute, the Academy of Art College, and in the rest of the tightknit San Francisco artistic community were riveted by the incident. One student enrolled in Labat's class was said to be going so far as to plan her own performance piece protesting Yegge's piece.

"She was pretty upset by it," said a friend of Labat's student who witnessed the piece.

The Art Institute, meanwhile, seemed to scurry into a damage-control posture.

"None of us know anything about it," said a flush-faced employee at the school's cafe in response to a reporter's question.

And after hours of closed-door meetings with the Institute's administration, even Labat attempted to distance himself from the piece.

"It was plain bad art," says Labat. "This was irresponsible in any context. It made me wonder why anyone would want to do a story about it. Why would anyone be interested in anything as basic as that? Nobody should be interested in that." But Yegge says Labat did nothing to stop the piece while it was taking place. Yegge also says he ran the general premise of the piece by Labat before performing it. Labat declined to discuss the performance in detail.

From the most obvious perspective, Yegge's piece may indeed have been bad art. Yegge himself says the piece was hastily conceived.

"The whole piece was an edifiatory piece for the other performance artists. The teacher asked me to produce such a piece for him," Yegge says, a transfer student on scholarship. "This was something that's schlocky, quick, and just shows people what they are walking into before the add-drop period, before they can get out of there, or decide to stay. The easiest thing I could think of was this."

And Yegge's intellectual defense of his piece might -- might -- come across as a bit dilute.

"It's about Heidegger, Derrida -- all this stuff," he says. "It's about pushing the notion of gay sex, pushing the notion of consent, pushing the notion of what's legal. We are living in the era of AIDS. This is about his responsibility, my responsibility.

"During your tenure in this school you're required to read The Tears of Eros by Georges Bataille, where he discusses pain and the history of erotic art.

"You jump across time and you jump across eras. You might present this performance art, then the students might read Bataille and it might make sense. Or they might see this performance and then see Bataille."

Perhaps, or perhaps not.

But if one of performance art's central objectives is to get people thinking, the piece was a success.

Write Your Comment show comments (53)
  1. What a freak. Just more proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

  2. "Like I'll poop into her butt-hole. And then she'll poop it back... into my butt... hole. And then we'll just keep doing it back and forth. With the same poop. Forever."

  3. What's the piece called? The Aristocrats?

  4. That's not art. That's just some sicko getting his rocks off at the expense of someone else and in public to boot.

  5. This NUTJOB is nothing more than a depraved SICKO!!

    Anytime someone commits an act like THIS in the name of "art", you can pretty much chalk it up to that person looking for any excuse they can find to get away with engaging is sick, immoral, depraved behaviour without being punished!

  6. Pathetic - these people belong in mental institutions.

  7. This clap trap has no more reference to art than the poor guy that pumps out septic systems.

    I'm College Educated, not very religous, and fairly tolerant of things, even those I don't understand or agree with.

    But this so called artist's, "art" indicates to me that he ought to be in a mental hospital.

    As for his "professor" and the University, how they could bastardize their mission and responsibilities to this extent is beyond imagination. If ever there was a real life example of the King having no clothes, this is it.

    I don't usually wish ill on anyone, but it would not break my heart if the next big trembler in CA, wiped this so called University off the face of the Earth. Earth Day would be appropriate timing, eliminating a source of gross pollution of the environment.


  8. I've been looking for the reason Muslims "hate our freedom." I will look no more.

  9. This guy is full of crap - literally. What a waste of life, this "art" does not provoke thought or conversation, just shock and disgust.

  10. This guy is full of crap - literally. What a waste of life, this "art" does not provoke thought or conversation, just shock and disgust.

  11. Look you sick freaks, call it art if you want I could not care less.
    But do that garbage in the privacy of your own sick classroom (SF) and don’t use my money to pay for it.

  12. I've lived in Northern California and the Bay Area most of my life. SF use to be the center of future culture. Where you go to see and feel new and beautiful things. Even when HIV first became a household word and so many died there, it was still a place a wonder and new experiences. Now it’s become (literally) the butt hole of the state. I never imagined that SF would pass LA in the “make the rest of us look bad” category.
    And this university is ground zero for it. Not education but indoctrination. The only reason the faculty is even commenting on it is because they never thought anyone would bitch. Anything goes in SF ya know

  13. What to comment on that is nothing but pure stupidity. How many idiots are there in San Francisco? And how good these con men are at trying to make disgusting behavior more and more acceptable. Places like this, masquerading as an institution of higher education, should never have been allowed to exist in the first place.

  14. Sodom, Gamorrah and San Fransisco. I'm still pissed off at Nostradamos. California was supposed to fall into the sea years ago, wtf?

  15. Where is Sam Kinison when we need him. This crap is off the charts. Oh, I live in hell, I live in hell!


  17. No wonder the professor and the school are running away from this garbage - it's indefensible.
    At least they still have sense enough to be ashamed of it, even if they won't say why.

    I would say Yegge was acting like a sick monkey, but sick monkeys can't imagine things that disgusting!

    Exhibiting your sickness and perversion is not art. And, "getting someone to think" is not the point of art. People create art in order to enlarge the human spirit, by describing the glory and pathos of the human condition. If that's not your goal and driving force, then you are not an artist, you're just a sick, self-centered show-off. A head-trip like this is the result of soulless, empty living.

    The writer is obviously caught up in it, too; otherwise how can you describe this kind of sickness as a 'success'?

  18. Where can I see the video ?

  19. Everyone involved is a total a-hole, even the reporter of this piece. Everyone else who just wasted their time reading this is now dumber because of it. The whole thing is an accurate representation of life in S.F.

  20. Utterly decadent. San Francisco, you are destroying yourselves. The supreme Architect of the universe has established a moral code. You are in violation, and will be found wanting.

  21. San Francisco Values is all I can say. Only in SF would something so vile to the rest of normal society go on. Although you keep electing Nancy Pelosi, what can we expect??

  22. This story is some kind of sick April fools joke right? I mean the world isnt getting this sick is it? God help SF.

  23. And so now the Art Institute may get sued into oblivion? It would hope so...But then again, the "victim's" mother is a judge? We know how out of touch Bay Area judges are.There will probably be a huge donation on behalf of the 9th Circuit Court to this place of "Higher Education". Too bad./ Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

  24. This is all about the First Amendment. Let's not follow the gov't down the path of censorship. After all, censorship is becoming America's favorite past-time. The US gov't (and their corporate friends), already detain protesters, ban books like "America Deceived" from Amazon and shut down Ron Paul. Free Speech forever.
    Last link (before Google Books caves to pressure and drops the title):;=0-595-38523-0

  25. What a freaking waste of space this barrel of monkey spunk is. That's great. I think I will take a shit on the Mona Lisa and call it art and then cum on some passer byer's face and call it art. His parents must be so proud. They don't call it San Franfreako for nothing and man am I glad I left that shit hole. What a jerk off

  26. What a freaking waste of space this barrel of monkey spunk is. That's great. I think I will take a shit on the Mona Lisa and call it art and then cum on some passer byer's face and call it art. His parents must be so proud. They don't call it San Franfreako for nothing and man am I glad I left that shit hole. What a jerk off. Remember folks, just because you can, doesn't mean should

  27. You sick pigs in San Francisco should be rounded up and shot. What the hell is the matter with these idiots?! Good job raising thiese kids Mom and Dad.

  28. What's the big deal? Everyone knows liberals suck and are full of shit.

  29. Is it any shock that the overall tone of this article is defensive of this horrific act which is in permitted in an a place of "Higher" learning supported by tax dollars?

    Our country's morality is plunging off a cliff! How can long we tolerate this type of insanity?

    It is time for common sense and human respect to once again be the norm rather than the exception in our universities.

  30. This has to be the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of, yet for some reason I'm not in the least bit suprised that this happened in San Francisco. Has anyone stopped to ask whether or not the victim is under suicide watch?

  31. You do realise that a work of art like this is SUPPOSED to induce the kind of visceral knee jerk reaction you have all just expressed? The shocking thing about this article is that it's written in the RIGHT tone.

  32. It is not hard to believe that this actually qualified as perfomance art in San Francisco. Your city has the unenviable reputation of being the gay sh*th*le of the Left Coast. So it does not seem unusual that a gay sex act involving feces would occupy the San Francisco press's philosophical agenda.

  33. There is so much depravity in the world. Some people become angry because conservatives reject the gay agenda, but why would anyone want to embrace anything that brings MORE deviance to our culture? Liberals, this is what you are arguing for...

  34. I think Yegge should run for President.

  35. Wrong - if the consent form had said possible death - and he walked up a chopped his head off would it have been Art. Twisted people will take advantage that is what the liberal mind is driven to do - taking advatange of others for thier own sake and thier right to anything they desire trumps the collective orders right to protection from them.

    The idea that the school debated this at a board levell stuns me - if thier child had been the volunteer there would not have been any debate.

  36. This isn't art.

  37. Sick puppies all of them, if you want to be a performance artist learn to act or play an instrument.

  38. A student shits on someone over and over, performs oral sex and ties them up in front of a class and he thinks it's art???? This is sure one sick pervert!!! He has no respect for his body or anyone's body. He's sick!

  39. I live in Clearwater Fl.In 1977 the California weird crazies invaded our beautiful place in the sun. The aliens that landed are called The Church of Scientology. When I read this vile story, This made the mind numbed robots of L.Ron Hubbard look almost "normal by comparison". When Osama bin Laden said that he despises the freedoms of the Western Culture. This is what he sees. The debauchery of bizarre sex performed in public,and done in the name of art. Disgusting and Perverse.

  40. The only good thing about Islam and the jailing of homosexuals. I hope no pel grants or stafford loan fund education at this school. If so that reason engough to never pay taxes again.

  41. Wow ... wouldn't it be a shame if that idiot had to find a real job someday?

  42. I don't understand, is this some sort of weird satire article? I refuse to believe that this could go on in America, even in San Francisco... if I accepted this as a reality that I live in I would be a suicide risk. If it's true I hope that these obscene "artists" are placed in a mental asylum so that they can get the care that they clearly need. It's behavior I would not even expect from a schizophrenic in prison.

  43. I'm wondering how this is not criminal. Public exhibition of an obscene sexual act? Public nudity is off limits in most communities, I never imagined public sex wouldn't be.
    I'm also wondering when one of these art students will decide that some child pornography constitutes art. Watch them try and defend their depravity then. I can stomach people calling a sexual act like this art when done on video or in private, but in public? And apparently with a questionable degree of consent from the 'volunteer'?? No WAY.

  44. Uh,perhaps I am a prude,but blowing a man in public,shitting in his ass,then having him shit on you is the act of a degenerate or a lunatic?

  45. What I don't get is why didn't the volunteer stop it or try to get away. He must of liked it if he didn't so why is he complaining about it it now. I think this guy is a sick and should be locked up!

  46. The contract the volunteer signed is essentially worthless. There is no consideration given which makes it null to begin with (unless the contract specified some sort of consideration that hasn't been reported). I'm sure he'll land a nice lawsuit as a result of all of this.

  47. So this is art huh? You're going to sit here and tell me that every time my dog takes a shit he becomes an artist for that one fleeting moment in time where someone's sick imagination becomes a stark, stinky reality? Ok, seriously, this guy has got to be one of the worst artists I have ever heard of and probably the worst smelling one of all time. Next time, why don't you just borrow a diaper from the gerber baby after he's had his beef and pea dinner and save us all the trouble. Booooooo! Thumbs down! Go back to coloring books!

  48. So everytime I take a sh*t and f*ck someone I'm creating art?! Hotdamn, I should cut my ear off and move to the South of France.

  49. This is was not art. This was scat sex pure and simple. Look it up on the internet.

  50. How disgusting! And the Professor just stood there and let it happen? What a bunch of sick freaks. There is such a thing as going to far at American colleges.

  51. Two guys, no cup?

    Seriously it proves the old joke: what's the difference between performance art and shit? Nothing.

  52. This is not art, nor is the other repulsive acts described. When did art become about making a human become a victim of sexual abuse? If the victim was a woman it would have been taken to the courts, and so it should have been with this poor person. Thier is nothing wrong with what to consenting adults do, but signing a document a vague as the one mentioned and then subjecting someone to this; the lecturer should be stopped from teaching young minds and the students - also the ones who watched - should have to answer to the school and the law.

    I can't believe that no one has done this. If this is the American school system for 'ART' then I'd rather stay well away.

  53. Okay, i get it "ART" is what you make of it, coming from an art student THIS ISN'T ART!! This is just a perverted MORON that definitely didn't make art but an ASS of himself!

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