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Tagged News: weekend wrap report

Monday, April 7th

The latest weekend wrap report is now live at the official Tabula Rasa site. Featuring news of an 'unofficial screenshot contest' and information about last Friday Night Fights, there are also several announcements.

Live Fire Sports Bombing Run - Orion

Saturday evening, E-swat competed against the combined forces of Imperial Fists and The Guardians of New Earth (GNE) in a trial run of the LFS's Bombing Run. Both teams tried to battle their way into their opponent's Control Point and plant a bomb, destroying the base. An amazing amount of firepower what unleashed by both sides but Imperial Fists/GNE managed to twice bomb out the opposing CP to clinch victory.

Many thanks to Exxcentric & Eswat, Sala & Imperial Fits and Critten & NGE. With the feedback from the fight, the LFS will continue to tweak the Bombing Run format and has also come up with a variant, the Assassination Run. If you have a clan or squad interested in testing out either event, the LFS is willing to host it on your server so sign up via the links above. If you are a player looking to join a PvP clan, you should definitely checkout any of these three groups.

About Live Fire Sports: The LFS is the Tabulas Rasa Player versus Player ladder, providing ranking for single player, squad, and clan wars. We also track the results of on-going PvP tournaments and competitions like the Friday Night Fights. We also host our own refereed events to provide a little twist to straight up PvP and can provide referee services upon request.

Check out the rest at the TR site.