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Tagged News: tabula rasa

Thursday, October 11th

Tabula Rasa was patched a few days ago and the community site has the notes up.
The patch is fairly extensive and covers everything from general changes and bug fixes, to UI updates and skill balances/changes. Looks like they are taking advantage of that minor delay.

Patch Notes 10/09/07:


" Ligo is now open.

" Bug fixes, balance changes, optimizations galore!

" The "Enhance" logos element has been moved to a new location in order to help alleviate player population issues.

"Reward packages have been updated for the following map's control points:

* Wilderness
* Divide
* Palisades
* Plains
* Incline
* Mires

" The following map's Targets of opportunity missions now provide two additional titles based on all assault token and defense token missions being handed in at least once at each control point:

* Wilderness
* Divide
* Palisades
* Plains
* Mires
* Abyss
* Plateau
* Pools
* Marshes
* Descent
* Crucible
* Ashen Desert

" Avatars will now perform a backroll when they are knocked back if the blow does not do enough damage to knock them to their back.

You can check out the full notes at the main site here.

Or click Read More

Wednesday, October 10th

Yahtzee, the foul-mouthed Brit behind Zero Punctuation has found his way into an MMORPG: Tabula Rasa. Every Wednesday, Yahtzee releases a new video review/preview on our sister site The Escapist.

A warning for our readers, the language may not be safe for work.

Click below to enjoy his video.

Tuesday, October 9th

Are you one of those players that try to collect those rare items in games? Do you proudly show off your collection of items items you can only get for veteran rewards, or for playing on Christmas 2003? If so, you really want to play Tabula Rasa this Halloween, to receive an exclusive special mask that is available before the launch of the game.

Click "Read More" for the details.


Are you one of those players that try to collect those rare items in games? Do you proudly show off your collection of items items you can only get for veteran rewards, or for playing on Christmas 2003? If so, you really want to play Tabula Rasa this Halloween, to receive an exclusive special mask that is available before the launch of the game.

Click "Read More" for the details.

Monday, October 8th

NCSoft has sent off a new developer journal that covers the Torcastra Prison mission, including the in-game video briefing. Mission Designer Rebekah Tran wrote a journal that summarizes the mission.

For the video and the article, click below.


Lead Developer Paul Sage has written up an informative entry to the Tabula Rasa community site detailing the specifics of Tabula Rasa's endgame and what to expect at the upper levels.

# Personal Armor Units (PAU's): When players get to level 40, they won't just get a pony! Promotion to Level 40 comes with the option to train for certification in the PAU. Each PAU will have bonuses such as movement, more firepower, and different abilities per type. Each type is unique to the military career the player has selected. When visualizing the PAU, visualize the AFS Mech, although each will be very different... and may not necessarily be a mech.

Sneak peek: PAU for the Grenadier: Grendel - The surprisingly nimble Grendel, has two machine gun turrets on each arm, providing a cone of doom a short distance in front of the Grendel. More impressive is the Hornet's Nest capability of the Grendel, which when unleashed uses the remaining power of the user to determine the number of rockets unleashed on the opposing forces but does massive damage to surrounding units.

Sounds like really interesting stuff, for the rest of the goodies, check out the full entry here.

Wednesday, October 3rd

Community Manager, April "Cuppa Jo" Burba sat down with MPOGD to discuss expectations of what's to come from the soon-to-be released Tabula Rasa.

Jason: What trends are you seeing in the choices of the players and their reaction to what they are seeing so far? Are players flocking one way or another to certain features or roles in the game?

April: Reactions have been pretty good. Players seem to enjoy the fast paced combat style TR has and people are having a fun time. There seems to be a tendency towards the soldier side of the fence - that is the more 'damage dealing' path that also has the chaingun option that people seem to really like. It eats ammo like crazy, but man is it fun to fire.

Read the full story here.

Tuesday, October 2nd

Producer Starr Long has posted a message on the official Tabula Rasa website that announces the game has been pushed back to November 2nd, 2007. It's a very short, but in his mind "critical" delay.

For his full message, click below.


Have you gotten your hands on NCSoft's upcoming Sci Fi MMO, Tabula Rasa? No? Well you can now! Quite easily too! Pro-G is giving away some beta keys at their website.

Check out the site for details.

Monday, October 1st

Kotaku.com reported today about an article in the The Korea Times warning of a murky future for NCSoft unless they change their strategies, especially with the upcoming release of Tabula Rasa:

There's been some mixed press for NCSoft as of late: their European arm has just gotten a hefty grant from a British foundation, but profits are sagging and employees in the Korean office have been jumping ship on a fairly regular basis. The Korea Times has an article talking to NCSoft's CEO, Kim Taek-jin. With a pretty high turnover rate for employees and profits stagnating, it would seem that the company needs to do something different - and soon...

"One of our annual events is to listen to Kim saying: `This year, we will finally release Tabula Rasa in the market,' in his New Year speech. I heard it four times since 2004,'' said a company insider last week. "The only person in the company who have trust in the Garriotts is the CEO,'' another said in 2006.

The Korea Times also reported that NCsoft rejected funding for Richard Garriot's space trip:

As The Korea Times reported on its September 18 issue, NCSoft confirmed that Garriott will fly to the International Space Station (ISS) in the fall of 2008. But he will not get any money from the firm and will have to finance the project by himself, it said.

``It is a personal affair (of Garriott). We decided not to participate in the program,'' NCsoft's spokesperson Kim Ju-young said.