How Jeremiah Wright Found Religion

The theology of Obama's former pastor helped reestablish Christianity's vibrant role in the life of black America

The Miley Cyrus Pics: Damage Control

The tween star's representatives are shocked, shocked, at the results of Vanity Fair's photo shoot. But was it a career move?

America's Forgotten Hostages

Three former U.S. servicemen have been held captive in Colombia for five years. Will a new diplomatic effort free them?

Brazil's Counterattack on Biofuels

As food prices soar, the world is looking askance at biofuels. Brazil's President Lula wants to change that

Caffeine and Pregnancy: How Risky?

Consultations: Dr. De-Kun Li of Kaiser Permanente on what pregnant women should know about caffeine

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Clinton Attacks Obama in Indiana

A new Clinton ad airing in Indiana and North Carolina targets Obama on housing and gas taxes. Get all your political news on The Page



Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner

Is it overly cynical of me to think that Wright diminishing Obama as a mere politician was the true tipping point? Because that seems to be one of the few new arguments (ideas? conspiracy theories?) that Wright made. It may also be the only correct one.

Tuned In

TV Tonight: Rich, But Such Small Portions

Tonight is The Riches season finale. Or maybe a better term than "finale" is "the last episode they were able to finish, thanks to the strike."

The Curious Capitalist

Not Nordtopian, But Certainly a Nordophile

I keep writing about Denmark and Sweden because (a) it amuses me, (b) I like herring, and (c) it seems really silly not to look to other countries to get economic policy ideas.


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The Fast and the Studious

A group of Japanese engineering students will present an unusual thesis project this summer — the car they're building will race at Le Mans


You Didn't Know Harry Potter Was Jewish?

According to some Hasidim, J.K. Rowlings' tale closely parallels their mystical struggles with the Voldemorts of the spirit realm


Open quoteI think my real competition is the beaver.Close quote

  • Magician DAVID BLAINE
  • before attempting to break the world record for breath-holding during a live broadcast of The Oprah Winfrey Show on April 30. Beavers can hold their breath for 20 minutes


10 Questions for Maria Shriver

Maria Shriver talks to Rick Stengel about a lifetime in politics and her favorite Schwarzenegger movie. Her new book "Just Who Will You Be?" is out now