Zillions of Games

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Game: Pum-Pum Large
Created by Karl Scherer, 2007-09-22
version 1.4
50 variants


download 2358 K
Updated 2013-10-12

- best-move-counts improved and corrected for variants 7, 17, 19, 20, 36, 37, 43, 47.


Object: Make the Man move the coloured objects onto the target positions.

The opening screen is a menu where you can select one of 50 puzzles. Click a number to select a puzzle.
You can also click to the left of a number to TICK OFF THE PUZZLES you have played and save this under TICKED.ZSG . You can then click the TICK button at the lower right border of the selection menu at any time to recall which puzzles you have solved already!
(Note that this is a feature that Zillions does not provide if the standard 'variants' method is used! Pum-Pum Large is the first Zillions game to use this handy feature.)

Puzzle rules:
The Man...
- can walk in one move any distance over empty positions (in four directions)
- can push in one move a single object over any distance
- can pull in one move a single object over any distance
- can push or pull only one piece at a time (if both push and pull are possible, only the push will be executed)
- cannot move the same object in two consecutive moves.

In order to push or pull an object, your Man has first to move next to it.

There are also passageways and one-way doors for the Man.
He can move through the one-way doors only in one direction.
The Man cannot move objects through passageways or one-way doors.

All challenges have a button at the lower right border which transports you back to the puzzle selection screen.

The term 'Pum-Pum' is an abbreviation of 'Push Me, Pull Me'.
Pum-Pum-Large, like the game 'Pum-Pum' is related to the classic shuffle-game Sokoban. Sokoban, however, does only allow the man to push objects, never to pull them.
The combination of the three piece types in Pum-Pum-Large (push-and-pull, push-only, pull-only) not only makes for more complex play, but also allows for more difficult posers even on a very small board.

Technical information:
Usually fixed (non-random) board setups in Zillions games are manually encoded. This is a very time consuming process, especially for large and complex setups. Here in Pum-Pum Large we demonstrate a different, much faster technique:
The board setups for the many challenges (variants) have all been stored as zsg files (stored game files), which normally are only used for the display of solutions.
Note that there are no 'variants' in this game encoded at all!
It is possible to include solutions in this scheme, but these solutions have to be called via a special 'solution' button on the challenge screen.
Feel free to use this 'shorthand' tool for your own games.
The downside is that the challenges have to be selected from a special selection screen.
Also, the uploading of the stored setup sequence can cause the screen to flicker during the loading process.

Related Zillions games: Pum-Pum.


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(2358 K)

Pum-Pum Large

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