Zillions of Games

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the Zillions of Games Interface!

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Game: Interweave
Created by Peter Aronson, 2002-12-21


download 13 K

Interweave is a game where all pieces are colorbound, but can only capture pieces on squares of the opposite color. Needless to say, capture is not by replacement; instead short and long leap, custodian, rifle and approach captures are used instead. You must capture when you can, and a piece may make multiple captures in a turn. The must capture rule, combined with the number of methods of capture, results in a game that plays a bit like Checkers crossed with Ultima.
The goal of Interweave is to capture either of your opponent's two Kings.

  • Kings move one square diagonally without capture, and capture by a short orthogonal leap.
  • Leapers slide diagonally without capturing. They move orthogonally or like Nightriders without capturing to any square of the same color they start on, or moving the same, they may leap over and capture one opposing piece on the other color, landing on empty square past of the color they started on.
  • Removers may slide diagonally without capturing, or capture any orthogonally adjacent opposing piece without moving.
  • Smashers slide diagonally without capturing. They move orthogonally any distance, only stopping on squares of the same color they started on. If there is an opposing piece on the next square, it is captured.
  • Pawns move one square diagonally without capturing, two squares on their first move. They may capture by short leap forward, or by orthogonally sandwiching an opposing piece between them and another friendly piece. On reaching the 2nd to last rank, they may (but do not have to) promote to any previously captured piece. On reaching the last rank they must promote (if no pieces are off the board, then Pawns may not enter the back row). Promoted Pawns that promoted as the result of a move that caused a capture must keep capturing in their new form if possible.

A longer, more detailed description of Interweave can be found at http://www.chessvariants.com/other.dir/interweave.html.

Download Interweave now!
(13 K)


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