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Game: Prince 3D Chess
Invented by Gavin Smith
Implemented by L. Lynn Smith, 2004-06-19
Graphics by Gavin Smith


download 30 K
Updated 2007-05-19
New graphics and a slight revision in code. All done by Gavin Smith.
Prince 3D Chess is played on an 8x8x8 field with the following pieces:

ACE[Ac] leaps 2x3x3.
ARTIST[Ar] slides diagonal or triagonal.
ASTRONAUT[As] leaps 1x2x3, 2x2x3 or 2x3x3.
ADMIRAL[Ad] leaps 2x2x3 or 2x3x3.
BASE[Ba] orthogonal planar area-leap.
BISHOP[Bi] slides diagonal.
CAPTAIN[Ca] leaps 2x2x3.
COURT[Co] slides orthogonal or diagonal.
KING[Ki] steps orthogonal, diagonal or triagonal. May castle with directly diagonal Bases. All castling rules apply.
KNIGHT[Kn] leaps 1x2x3.
MARINE[Ma] leaps 1x2x3 or 2x2x3.
MARKET[Mk] slides orthogonal or triagonal.
MERCHANT[Me] slides triagonal.
NETWORK[Ne] orthogonal or triagonal planar area-leap.
PARATROOPER[Pa] leaps 1x2x3 or 2x3x3.
PAWN[Pn] steps one forward orthogonal without capture, steps one forward diagonal or forward triagonal with capture. May preform an initial two-step orthogonal move. En passant applies. Freely promotes upon reaching far rank.
PRINCE[Pr] orthogonal, diagonal or triagonal planar area-leap. Not availabe with initial set-up, only through Pawn promotion.
QUEEN[Qu] slides orthogonal, diagonal or triagonal.
REPORTER[Re] triagonal planar area-leap.
ROOK[Ro] slides orthogonal.
SCIENTIST[Sc] diagonal planar area-leap.
SPY[Sp] diagonal or triagonal planar area-leap.
UNIVERSITY[Un] orthogonal or diagonal planar area-leap.

Planar area-leaps involve the translation of the piece from one corner cell to the opposite of an area defined by two specific axes, with no other pieces located within this area. Orthogonal areas involve cells which are orthogonally adjacent, diagonal areas involve cells which are diagonally adjacent and triagonal areas involve cells which are triagonally adjacent. The planar area-leap is not to be confused with the simple leap, such as that of the Knight, which involves translation from one corner cell to the opposite of a specifically defined area without concern for the presence of other pieces.

The game is won by checkmating the King.


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Prince 3D Chess

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