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Tournament Life Announcements

Tournament Life Announcements are provided for the convenience of USCF members and are for informational purposes only. Unless expressly indicated otherwise, neither the US Chess Federation nor Chess Life nor USChess Online warrants the accuracy of anything contained in these announcements. Those interested in additional information or having questions about any of these tournaments are directed to contact the organizer listed. Chess Life and USChess Online will exercise all due diligence in providing accurate typesetting and HTML markup of non-camera-ready copy, but assume no responsibility for errors made in such work.

Click Here for Codes and Abbreviations

Tournament Life provides details of coming events in your area. USCF membership is required. If you are not yet a member, add the appropriate dues to the entry fee when you mail in your advance registration, or pay them with your entry fee at the site.

Special Events:

  • American Classics: Generally, an event that has been organized by the same organizer for the last three years, has attracted more than 400 players each year, and is expected to do so again.
  • Heritage Events: Tournaments held for at least 25 years.
  • Action Tournaments: Events offering the "game in 30" time control. This lets players pack in more chess excitement in less time. The time control is in bold type.

How To Enter a Tournament in Advance:

Entering a tournament by mail is easier for both you and the tournament organizer, and often costs less. Along with the entry fee, send full name, address, USCF ID number, expiration date, and section desired (if any). Also give your last official rating, which can be obtained through our Member Services Area or from the first four numbers on the top row of your Chess Life magazine label. If you are unrated, or have a rating from many years ago, be sure to indicate this. Old ratings are still valid - you never lose your rating.

What to Take to a Tournament:

Along with a pen or pencil and your USCF ID card (or current issue of Chess Life), take a chess board, pieces, and clock if you have them. Some organizers will provide boards, but very few also supply pieces or clocks.

Rating Classes - Everyone Can Win:

In most events, you don't have to win the tournament to win a prize -- you can win a class prize as a top scorer of your rating group, or a section prize in a section restricted to your rating group. The ratings groups are:

2400+upSenior Master       1000-1199Class E
2200-2399Master 800- 999Class F
2000-2199Expert 600- 799Class G
1800-1999Class A 400- 599Class H
1600-1799Class B 200- 399Class I
1400-1599Class C 100- 199Class J
1200-1399Class D

Some tournaments use different groups such as 1900-2099, and some have "under" prizes or sections that are limited to players below a certain rating.

Provisional Ratings, based on 4-19 games, are eligible for all prizes unless otherwise stated.

After Mailing Your Entry:

Mailed entries are usually not acknowledged unless you enclose a stamped, self addressed postcard. Entry fees are refundable if you withdraw before round 1 is paired, unless otherwise stated.

Hotel-Motel Rates:

Rates listed are often special chess rates - you must request "chess rate" or you will be charged more. The chess rates may be unavailable if not reserved several weeks in advance, or if the block of chess rooms is used up. Hotel desks are often poorly informed about chess rates -- if you find one uncooperative, ask for the Sales Office or contact the tournament organizer.

If You Must Withdraw:

If you enter by mail and cannot attend, or must drop out of a tournament in progress, it is important to give notice before pairings are started. Mail entrants should send withdrawal notices at least one week before to be sure they arrive in time. If it is too late to mail a notice, a phone call will also work. To withdraw by phone on tournament day, call the site and ask for the "chess tournament." Try to avoid leaving messages at the hotel or YMCA desks; they are often not delivered in time. At least one hour before a round (more in larger events) is usually a good time to call. The tournament may be unreachable by phone at some sites such as churches; try to give notice the day before in such cases.

Other Information:

For prizes of $600 or more, bring your US Social Security card. If you have no Social Security number, the Internal Revenue Service requires the organizer to deduct 31 percent from your prize (this include players who are foreigners).

For foreign players with multiple ratings (USCF, FIDE, CFC, FQE, other foreign), the highest of the ratings (plus possible adjustment points) is used, unless otherwise announced.

FIDE or foreign ratings may be rejected or have adjustment points added. If details are not announced, players wishing to use such ratings should contact the organizer in advance.

The Tournament Director may assign an estimated rating to any player, and may expel an improperly rated player from an event in progress. Tournament Director Certification is an endorsement of of professional competence only. Such certification does not itself render any Tournament Director an agent of the USCF, nor is any Affiliate an agent of the USCF.

Codes and Abbreviations

Quick Chess events (sudden death time control faster than G/30).
Prizes are guaranteed
Prizes are based on the number of players; this code is followed by the number of players needed before the full prize is paid. At least 50 percent of any advertised prize fund of more than $500 must be awarded.
Indicates which rounds players may request a half-point bye for. For example, Bye 1-3 means that half-point byes are available in rounds 1 through 3.
Chess Club.
Entry Fee.
Where to mail entries.
Results are submitted to FIDE for possible rating.
"Game In"; a sudden death time control. For example, G/75 means that each player has 75 minutes for the entire game.
Grand Prix points available.
Hotel Rates. For example, 60-65-70-75 means $60 for single occupancy, $65 for twin, $70 for three people in a room, and $75 for four people.
Limited Smoking.
Memb Req'd
Membership Required, generally followed by the cost of membership. Usually refers to state affiliate.
Computers are not allowed to participate.
No Smoking.
Open Section
A section open to all. Often has very strong players, but some who are eligible for lower sections choose to play in the Open section for the learning experience.
Other States Accepted. Refers to state dues.
Professional Players Health and Benefit Fund.
A four-player round robin section. Players are usually of similar strength.
Rounds; scheduled game times follow. For example, 11-5, 9-3 means that games begin at 11 AM and 5 PM on the first day, and 9 AM and 3 PM on the second day of the tournament.
Registration at site.
Round robin (preceded by number of rounds).
Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope.
Sudden death time control (time allowed for rest of the game follows). For example, 30/90, SD/1 mean each player must make at least 30 moves in 90 minutes, then has one hour to complete the game.
A division of the tournament, usually excluding players above a specified rating. Players in a section face only each other, not those in other sections.
Swiss System pairings (preceded by the number of rounds).
Combined entry fee and USCF dues.
Site is accessible to wheelchairs.

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