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Chess Equipment and Suppliers

Want a French wood set in the Staunton pattern? Need a new digital clock? Looking for the best price on the Shazam 2800 computer? Shop for equipment -- clocks, boards, sets, and chess computers.
Top 10 Chess Gifts for this Holiday Season (2007-2008)
Top Picks : Looking for a gift idea for a chess player? Under these links you'll find chess sets, boards, and specialty items. These should give you lots of ideas plus a feel for prices. The merchants listed here are sometimes well known online retailers who are not specialists in chess.
Shopping for Chess Sets
Choosing a chess set can be a daunting task. A glance at the many hundreds of sets available offers few clues to the merits of the different sets. Our links, all leading to the the 'Compare Prices' service, classify the many sets according to their different characteristics.
Before You Buy a Chess Computer
Looking for a chess computer? Here we list the three main manufacturers alphabetical