BMJ  2008;336:1255 (31 May), doi:10.1136/bmj.39582.696748.BE


Jeffrey Joseph Cream

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

Jeffrey Joseph Cream ("Jeff") trained in dermatology at St Thomas’ and the Middlesex Hospitals. Medicine and work were very important. He was a consummate clinician appreciated for his gentle and compassionate solicitude. His early research was on cutaneous vasculitis, and he continued to publish throughout his career. He was particularly admired by colleagues for his high standards, strong values, integrity, and wisdom. Jeff demonstrated great courage in dealing with a devastating challenge to his probity from the General Medical Council, but he was resoundingly exonerated at a judicial review. He was a quiet and unassuming man who was interested in ideas and other people. His recreations were classical music and reading, particularly modern history and American crime fiction. He leaves a wife, Naomi, and their three daughters.

Chris Bunker

Former consultant dermatologist Charing Cross and West Middlesex Hospitals (b 1937; q Manchester 1961; MD, FRCP), died from acute myeloid leukaemia on 8 . . . [Full text of this article]

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