BMJ  2008;336:1255 (31 May), doi:10.1136/bmj.a147


James Wallace Mathews

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James Wallace Mathews ("Jim") joined his two brothers to study medicine in Belfast.

After serving in the navy during the second world war, he started in singlehanded general practice in Portadown in 1948 and remained in practice for 45 years, until succeeded by his son.

During his career many patients came to regard him as not only their doctor but also their friend. Even after retirement he was often seen in the health centre enquiring after patients.

He was the local branch chairman of the Ulster Cancer Foundation (formerly Combat Cancer) for many years . He also attained high office as a freemason.

Predeceased by his first grandson, he leaves a wife, Peggy, two sons (both general practitioners), and two grandchildren.

Kenneth Mathews, Colin Mathews

Former general practitioner Portadown, County Armagh (b 1918; q Queen’s University, Belfast, 1942), died at home on 9 March 2008.

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