BMJ  2008;336:1255 (31 May), doi:10.1136/bmj.a152


Vernon Smith

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After qualifying, Vernon Smith served as a house physician at St James’s Hospital, Leeds, and towards the end of the year volunteered for the army. Memories of his involvement in major theatres of the second world war always remained an important part of his life. He was posted to the 51st Highland Division, which was then re-forming in Scotland. He served with an artillery regiment and stayed with them for the remainder of the war.

In June 1942 the whole division sailed for the Middle East and fought at El Alamein and then moved onwards until Tunis. The division was moved back to the United Kingdom to prepare for the invasion of Normandy. The regiment landed on D Day+3, and after a slow start advanced rapidly to the Rhine, which was crossed after a heavy bombardment. Twice during his service he was exposed to friendly fire, both times escorting a . . . [Full text of this article]

Sheila Osborne, Myra Woolfson
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