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Member since Nov-17-05 · Last seen Jun-26-15
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   Trouble has kibitzed 90 times to chessgames   [less...]
   Apr-01-15 Kasparov vs Karpov, 1984 (replies)
Trouble: < Dobril: I think if a match between Fischer and Kasparov would have been held in the beginning of the 1980s, Bobby would have won, his endgame playing was far more superior than Garry`s at that time. > < AylerKupp: <Dobril> But, as Tarrasch said, "Before the endgame,
   Dec-24-12 Sasikiran vs A Korobov, 2012 (replies)
Trouble: In any case, really nice game by Korobov. Carlsen has had some success in this line recently as well. 7. Re1 doesn't seem like the right strategy to me.
   Dec-15-12 Magnus Carlsen (replies)
Trouble: If memory serves me correctly, some computer scientist wrote a program to analyze the average quality of moves various players make by using computer analysis, and he discovered that Karpov from the late 70's(when he was crushing every tournament) is about as strong as an average ...
   Dec-10-12 C F Johansson vs M Hernback, 1997 (replies)
Trouble: I guess at this point it's safe to label this guy as either "Magnus the lesser", or "The other Magnus meat".
   Nov-08-12 Topalov vs Carlsen, 2012 (replies)
Trouble: ...Rxg1, Kxg1 Qa7, Bf2(forced) Qa1, Nf1 Qxf1, Qxf1 Bxf1, Kxf1 Nxb2 and white can't stop the b-pawn.
   Oct-16-12 Kasparov vs F Bivoj, 2008 (replies)
Trouble: Actually, cxb3 was pretty ingenious. Kasparov knew that once the guy traded off his last piece he would recognize his situation as hopeless and resign, instead of playing 30 pointless moves.
   Oct-15-12 A Giri vs M Rodshtein, 2012
Trouble: <goldenbear> my guess is Giri saw this out from about move 19 to move 27(since many of the lines are forced), and recognized that the knight on h5 would be out of play for a long time so white would have an advantage against the queenside pawns. Great play from Giri! This game
   Dec-26-11 Nakamura vs Adams, 2011 (replies)
Trouble: <AylerKupp> yes sorry I meant nega-scout instead of negasearch. It strikes me as curious that Rybka and Stockfish can have analogous performance levels despite their very different computational approaches to chess as you point out. Actually, I'm working on something you might
   Oct-05-11 D Edelman vs Kasparov, 1988 (replies)
Trouble: <Eric Schiller> Why was Kasparov fuming for days? Anyone below the 2600 level is at best a chess scrub in Kasparov's world. It's hard to imagine why he'd become so preoccupied with someone who held such little importance to him. Your thoughts? Maybe he just wanted to stick the
   Sep-28-11 Carlos Torre vs Ed. Lasker, 1926 (replies)
Trouble: One small correction: after ...c3, dxc3 Qxe5, c4 the best move is ...Qe7 to trade queens and get fast development.
   Mar-15-07 Piket vs Kramnik, 1999 (replies)
   Feb-23-07 S Savchenko vs Savon, 1999 (replies)
   Feb-14-07 L Lederman vs K Pytel, 1977 (replies)
   Feb-01-07 G Daskalov vs N Padevsky, 1970 (replies)
   Jan-13-07 A Lagunow vs B Schneider, 1994 (replies)
   Jan-09-07 Krogius vs Jansa, 1965 (replies)
   Dec-13-06 Bronstein vs NN, 1950 (replies)
   Nov-29-06 Carlsen vs Morozevich, 2006 (replies)
   Nov-22-06 Maroczy vs O Tenner, 1926 (replies)
   Oct-26-06 C Wallwork vs Duras, 1911 (replies)
   Oct-19-06 G Gnichtel vs P Carlsson, 2006 (replies)
   Oct-17-06 A Fejzullahu vs Korchnoi, 2006 (replies)
   Oct-16-06 H Kaenel vs D Chocenka, 2006 (replies)
   Oct-12-06 D Pedzich vs Shirov, 1990 (replies)
   Oct-06-06 Geller vs Pribyl, 1984 (replies)
   Oct-05-06 K Panczyk vs M Schurade, 1978 (replies)
   Oct-02-06 F M Teed vs E Delmar, 1896 (replies)
   Sep-21-06 Van Wely vs Kramnik, 1998 (replies)
   Sep-20-06 Eliskases vs Hoelzl, 1929 (replies)
   Sep-13-06 Pillsbury vs Schiffers, 1898 (replies)
   Sep-12-06 Z Ksieski vs Navara, 1998 (replies)
   Sep-09-06 Liberzon vs Larsen, 1976 (replies)
   Sep-01-06 Najdorf vs S Schweber, 1968 (replies)
   Aug-29-06 Messinger vs M Rack, 1989 (replies)
   Aug-23-06 Kramnik vs K Georgiev, 1994 (replies)
   Aug-21-06 Salov vs Korchnoi, 1997 (replies)
   Aug-10-06 R Hubert vs G Welling, 1997 (replies)
   Aug-08-06 Kramnik - Topalov World Championship Match (2006) (replies)
   Aug-08-06 Schlechter vs H Wolf, 1906 (replies)
   Jul-31-06 Veselin Topalov (replies)
   Jul-30-06 Adorjan vs M Basman, 1974 (replies)
   Jul-21-06 Seirawan vs Wojtkiewicz, 1992 (replies)
   Jul-02-06 Garry Kasparov (replies)
   Jun-23-06 Larry Melvyn Evans (replies)
   Jun-11-06 Robert James Fischer (replies)
   Jun-08-06 Timman vs Kasparov, 1991 (replies)
   May-25-06 MTel Masters (2006) (replies)
   May-18-06 Teimour Radjabov (replies)
   May-17-06 Topalov vs Svidler, 2006 (replies)
   Apr-26-06 I Saren vs Larsen, 1973 (replies)
   Mar-22-06 Joshua Waitzkin (replies)
   Mar-05-06 R Cardoso vs Ivkov, 1973 (replies)
   Feb-20-06 Sergey Karjakin (replies)
   Feb-13-06 Shredder vs Hydra, 2004
   Feb-13-06 Khalifman vs Hydra, 2005 (replies)
   Feb-03-06 A Zapata vs Anand, 1988 (replies)
   Jan-31-06 F Manca vs F Braga, 1992 (replies)
   Jan-28-06 Topalov vs Anand, 2006 (replies)
   Jan-28-06 Tal vs Karpov, 1987 (replies)
   Jan-23-06 Karjakin vs Topalov, 2006 (replies)
   Jan-23-06 Levon Aronian (replies)
   Jan-09-06 Mikhail Botvinnik (replies)
   Dec-12-05 Speelman / Keene / King / Forbes vs Kasparov / Short, 1993 (replies)
   Nov-30-05 Zsuzsa Polgar (replies)
   Nov-30-05 Vladimirov vs D Donchev, 1976 (replies)
   Nov-30-05 D Garner vs Kasparov, 1997 (replies)
   Nov-30-05 A Adly vs Ponomariov, 2005 (replies)
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