BMJ  2008;336:1265 (7 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.39601.602512.DB


Source of surgical instruments should be checked, BMA says

Deborah Cohen


The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below.

Doctors should encourage their hospitals or practices to ensure that the surgical instruments they purchase are "ethically procured," a BMA report has said.

Each month the NHS buys millions of pounds’ worth of surgical instruments, with a considerable majority manufactured in Sialkot, Pakistan. Each year 100 million surgical instruments are produced in Sialkot, with a product range of more than 10 000 items worth about $191m (£98m; {euro}124m).

But working conditions in factories are "unhealthy, unsafe, and unfair," with exposure to toxic and corrosive chemicals, metal dust, noise, and dangerous machinery on the list of health and safety problems, the report says. It also says that some sections of the industry use child labour and that although efforts have been made to improve conditions, further change is needed.

Despite most surgical instruments being manufactured in Sialkot, they are usually exported through companies such as those in Germany and the United . . . [Full text of this article]

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